An Incidence in Man

photos by the author
He’s read by anger.
He says it beautifully and sweetly.
I saw the changes
up front.
He’s just so confused, afraid.
I feel sorry for him.
It’s his lowest book,
give you trouble.

He doesn’t know what to do with himself.
I’ve already got complaint.
Pound the report.
He keeps forgetting the name
of the trashcan
they threw him in the night it happened.

You’ll do exactly what I say
to waters,
to water.
It pulls him.
He does it.
He masturbates in front of his father and mother.
I have a question.
Why do they want him to masturbate?
You would think it would be the other way around.
It was.
It’s soon to be pleasure house.

There, there now the father’s hand.
You’ll get a rise out of me in a minute with this.
After that
he met the strong end of the law.
Come help,
and Sandiya slapped him as he pulled,
pulls his red car.
He felt his little toy rear end.
He screamed,
and his father pulled it by the roots again.
Now, he was hysterical,
and that’s how he got into the bathroom
with his mother,
and then she syphoned his little pony to sooth,
golden fellatio.

Son of a bitch,
this is horrible news.
The vision
is exactly what happened,
all the ponies included,
and we rest our case here.
It’s too lost to talk about,
and that boy’s underwear is scared.
This was the opening for him to destroy himself.
This made him blight his tears
for me.
He couldn’t believe
it had happened,
and he kept tryin’ to forget about it.
It was a horror story
out of Genghis Khan.

Now it’s on Facebook,
and you don’t believe it.
I’m sorry it’s true.
Spiritual vision shows it,
and it has shown it all along.
You just didn’t hear me the first time.
Now they put all of this on him,
the surveillance cameras,
the total control,
the psychological manipulation,
the physical abuse,
so he wouldn’t tell me what happened that night,
and that’s why,
dear ladies and gentlemen,
he can have no contact with me whatsoever,
in any shape for form.

They do not know about consciousness.
They think you can hide somethin’
they did to a little boy,
and I’m in union with him.
They don’t know about consciousness.
They think we’re separated,
and we communicate daily.
The boy’s gotten fluffed about it,
and is trying to ignore it.
He wants to accept this abuse and move on.
He has been ruined in character,
totally humiliated
where he meets the world,
and is scared to death of his parents
when they’re in their wrath.
He will do anything for them,
except tell me to get lost.

Okay now that’s you’ve heard the story what are you gonna do?
We haven’t crossed this bridge before.
You just listen to stories.
No one will question this kid
with the proper treatment.
They let his mother rule,
and she is not good to him.
Okay Pondy it’s your stuff.
You need to see this,
because this boy died on the Cross
so you wouldn’t abuse your children.
Can you figure me here?

He’s a representative example
of what you do to children,
just so exaggerated
so it has the impact it has
to show you abuse is wrong.
You don’t know about representative figures.
They’re a holy book.
They are like a Christ,
and you need to see them
so you can get the full effect.
This is godly awful, isn’t it?

Imagine what it’s like
to be one with this child,
sharing consciousness together no holds barred,
and then he’s taken from me
and has this done to him,
and I have to watch
a helpless observer.
I screamed and I carried on
to advocates, the TV news, and the Child Help Line.
No one would question that kid
or even worry about it.
I was a crazy lark
that needed to shut up,
but I’m an activist,
and I know my stuff.
This story has gone out to every major NGO in the country
that deals with child’s rights
and preventing them from being abused,
several Pondy TV news channels,
and every major newspaper in the country.
This story will get out,
when the election’s over.

There’s no stoppin’ it now,
and I’ll be right there
to receive that boy
to take him home and heal him,
because that’s what union does.
You’re unified on oneness,
and systems of abuse
do not have ground of being.
It’s a union story
of love and kindness.
It’s oneness’ story,
the heart of compassion,
knowledge of one another
where the soul sees.

I’m sorry I’m teachin’ yah new things.
You’re not good with innovative stuff
when it involves the terms and conditions of our being,
what a human being is,
and how it tries
to rise up out of human being
into the next class.
I give you there
with this kid.
That’s our endeavor together,
to change man.

Now tell me again I can’t heal this kid,
but the truth of the matter
is that we’ll heal each other.
I’m in the same shape he’s in,
only I will take the lead
because I’m his daddy,
and daddies,
my sweet audience,
really do know best.
Thank you Pondicherry
for letting him heal at my house,
his home before all this started,
his place of refuge and safety,
a place of loving dog.

And that,
my dear friends,
is where this chapter ends.
Did you know dogs are with us to become human beings?
The soul says this,
and evolution’s its spur.
That’s why they live in our homes.
That’s why they’re our children.
They have an appointment with destiny
when they change to the higher kind,
and for a mountain of dog lives
they learn the ways of human being,
until they become a Lisa,
my beloved dead Rottweiler,
and they have the magic of human being in their eyes
growin’ their understanding inside.
They have reached the pinnacle of dog,
and our house raises dog,
and that boy’s right in the middle of it,
lovin’ those dogs
and those dogs lovin’ him.
Imagine how his dogs felt when he was taken.
They’ve never seen him again.

We have the ingredients for healing I tell you,
even in the notion of dream.
It’s candy for us.
What did you dream last night?
And we all tell.
We have a healing house,
and we’re ready for this boy
to return.
Now Pondicherry we’re a prototype,
and you’ve gotta be big enough to see it.
You’re a big enough town for it.
The supramental manifestation on Earth
descended here first.
You grapple with big things.
It’s time you knew that,
and it’s you Pondicherry,
that replaces Jerusalem
as the city of hope,
the city of peace,
and we’re here to help you with that,
me and this boy.
Okay Pondicherry,
let us heal.

You’ll have to give me the man roles.
What have we here?
Look at this kid,
strangely peacock
even in defeat.
Are you listenin’ Pondicherry?
Tell me a secret.
I get him smooth.
You crazy person,
you’re by the wall;
I’ll try not to
tell you to get lost
after the election.

We are the soul rise,
he and I,
and I understand your concern,
and I understand your confusion.
Boy get it to become man,
and we’re hit Pondicherry on the head
of its going to school.
Now laugh at that will yah,
and tell me I’m a fool.
You haven’t read his poetry yet,
nor seen that strength of soul.
Just sit back and relax
and review our material.
Videos, poems, and songs
will knock your socks off,
will do your head in,
will be kind and gentle and sweet,
every time you see us talk,
but we will be loud,
and awfully bright.

Now here am I in front of Pondicherry,
Hey, can I get you something?
Do you need to cut us up in pieces and throw it away?
You don’t need to do anything except go with the movement.
We know how to ride the storm.
What happened?
You heard the story that they took ‘im
and all that ensued,
and I am his daddy,
and I would like to raise him again.
All sorts of thought
we give you Pondicherry.
One came in a dog suit.
Vision of Luna. (vision of my Rottweiler standing outside near a wood)
The wrong
have that boy now.
You need to see this
and make it right.
You can see the future in us
if you look hard enough.

Nithish and his daddy,
now that’s an item.
There’s no reason to fear that now.
He’ll be at break tomorrow.
The train station
on Friday comin’ here.
I’ll have to turn him in the grocery store,
and toys,
many presents,
we let him have.
He’s got a healin’ train a comin’,
and it’s at the station now.

What an active young man.
Who are you?
The poet
of the sunrise of humanity.
Let’s move his truck,
and he can express that,
and I’m his keeper,
and I’m his teacher
there at dawn too.
Please hear us.
We’re the Milky Way.
We’ve got good news,
the colors in the rainbow,
either in social media
or every place you meet us on the street.
That’s rock bottom vision.
It goes like this:
do you hear our pull?
We’re a look out for human beings.
Can I wash off the dog?
Get it right with human beings.

Nithish is with his parents.
Don’t say anything now.
One for… (vision of Nithish sitting at a computer and his mother and auntie are standing behind him, Sandiya taking a photo of him with a flat, silver, square camera, telling him to pose, and I realize they are taking a photo record of him to compete with mine, making a sudden concentrated effort to do that to rival the photos I post of him)
It looks like a photo shoot,
and they’ve got the video to prove it.
And there he is.
I had no idea.
Nithish you’re asking me a question:
where do you divide the partition?
As long as you’re careful not to do that,
tear me apart,
we wouldn’t partition ourselves.
Your parents are using you for propaganda.
They’re taking pictures to rival me.
I took spontaneous pictures of you.
The difference is tearing me apart.

You’re open
to they put you here they put you there,
like they’re doin’ it for you,
and you give them that warm smile,
thinking you have their business.
It’s not the same baby dog,
and I wonder if you can even feel it,
so lost you are in their approval and validation,
so far you are away from me.
I don’t like Bozos,
Bozo the Clown.
Put that on the street.

Grace school is himself. (vision of Grace his Beagle puppy standing in a table chair on her hind legs with her front paws on the table)
He’s in his underwear.
He’s big and small and little and mean.
He won’t take no for an answer.
He’s not dedicated to you,
and something happened that changed his mind.
You did not seem relief.
You were not there for him.
You didn’t come,
and you were crazy with grief.
You wanted to see him so badly
it turned him away from you.
He doesn’t respect you.
He believes the brainwashing.
He doesn’t know what’s up.
He doesn’t care to find out.
You want to know if he’s happy
and doesn’t need you.
He can’t find himself.
He’s alone on the inside,
and if you can’t see sadness in his eyes,
you can feel it in his heart.
He wants to see you
and need is comin’.

He doesn’t understand what’s happened.
He’s too little for that.
He wants so see you
He has not gained by loosing you.
His life is something forcing.
He’s a painted doll.
You are his flower.
He just wants to sit and be with you,
but he doesn’t want to see this too loudly.
He doesn’t want to be in the garbage can
with his parents.
All that’s over.
That he doesn’t renounce you that’s okay.
They just keep him from you,
and the phone call the other day they got by.
You’re crazy and confused his mind
was their answer.

And now you’ve declared you’re gonna die to see ‘im,
hunger strike.
I’m in trouble.
This will all fall on me.
Hear him now?
Is he worried about you?
They don’t want him to be but yes.
He doesn’t want you to die.
Will he do anything to stop it?
He would try.

Now all this bad news,
that makes you feel so bad,
is gonna change.
When you see him again you’ll know you’re there,
and he will remember past lives,
and he’ll want it there.
He’ll reveal secrets.
He will be with you in every heartbeat,
and this will open that boy’s mind
to convince his parent’s of his need to see you.
This is incredible news
and will change the story.
He will be yours again,
and they will have to contend with that.

Is there a public on the way?
It happened.
The public got wind of this,
and you’re showin’ it to them now.
You’re in the Pondy poems,
and this one’s the big one
for their being’s worth.

He has my note.
He has my seven.
We need him to see you,
and that’s soon.
He doesn’t know which way is up.
And you’re gonna show him Heaven’s door. (vision of Nithish sitting on the curb of a street and looking up at me with such open love)
He’s the taste in your room.
You’re his special surprise.
He knows you’re comin’.
Will you listen to me?
This was our world,
the great and hidden pain of death.
And you’ve got me on time,
before I forgot you.
There I’ll see you on Friday.
You make the test model fight too.
It’s prevision,
and it will become active soon.

Oh there were his plug pluses down there.
There were him.
“The samadhi of the Gods is in my heart
water drops.”
He will felt good listenin’.
Have you watched your video yet?
I’m not lookin’ to do that.
What’s wrong with you?
No contact with me,
that and I want you to leave me alone.
Two notes from the ranger.
You are being awfully bad.
We have to waste time here and I show it to you.
and will you come when they ask?
I would go in a heartbeat.
But you won’t watch the video?
I’m scared to feel the pain.
I don’t want to remember you.
I don’t want to cry.
Alright little boy,
you aren’t the greatest little boy in the world,
but I will see you soon.

Are You Fear Comfortable with Me?

photo by the author
So you can go and tell on them.
That was Nithish’s muse.
He has purpose.
He has charm.
He has the call to action.
We’re gonna get this story read to the public.
What did they expect?
He had come so far.
They brainwashed him in the family.
He didn’t give them what they want:
to renounce me over the phone
in a controlled conversation.

I was emotionally distraught,
and it came across on the phone,
and then I calmed down
and talked to my baby dog.
He heard me.
I could hear his mother in the background
telling him what to say.
I mentioned everything I could think of
to get him to hear me.
We actually had a conversation.
I was able to tell him things his mother cut the phone.
They called back,
and the mother tried again.
I’m with them now
the boy said.
Do you want to see me
I asked.
He had already answered yes to that question
in the conversation ago.
No answer,
I asked again.
Yes he said.
I will move Heaven and Earth to see you again
I told the boy.

Do you love me more than anything in the world,
or was that a lie?
I wasn’t lying.
Do you want me to go back to America?
the boy replied.
Well I’ll do a hunger strike,
and I’m prepared to die.
The boy heard every word I said.
Hello again, I’m sorry baby dog,
I cannot live without you,
and I love you more than anything in the world.
Ask to see me.
Do not stop.
But they will not hear me.
Ask anyway,
and the divine will help.

The mother cut the phone again,
as I explained their brainwashing technique,
and then I talked to her.
He doesn’t want to see you
she said.
But you heard him say he did.
Leave it, leave it.
No woman I won’t.
I am not afraid to die,
and I will lay down my life for him.
On that she cut the phone.

Well here, here,
let’s have a toast
to her inability to brainwash him.
He was supposed to renounce me.
He did not.
Even in front of his mother
he admitted he loved me very much
and wanted to see me.
She had failed
in killing his love for me.
Now how’s that for an answer
to their control of him?
They don’t have it.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Love will find a way.

Thank you woman.
You are so very dumb
letting us speak like that,
and you know we love each other.
You really think the boy’s gonna lie for you?
He did not, did he?
And you are tellin’ him what to say.
I say again.
You did not control this boy
when it came down to it,
the very thing you’ve been punishing him for,
he loves his daddy
and wants to see him,
and all the restrictions that you’ve put on ‘im,
all the surveillance you’ve had him under,
all the control you’ve done to him,
telling him what to think,
how to act,
and how he should feel,
day and night on that boy,
has not worked, has it?
I’m still there
in that boy’s heart,
in that boy’s mind,
a living presence.
The power of love,
do you believe in it now?

Now we go from there.
I have his base.
I have his will,
and I will stop at nothing
to see him again.
That mother has messed up.
She gave us the very thing
we needed from each other:
validation of our love.
She has no idea what’s she’s doing
in keeping him from me.
It’s against his will.
It’s against his plan.
It’s against his life’s purpose.
It hurts this boy so.

So what do we do with that?
Hello Pondy do you recognize me?
I am a public speaker.
I want to show you child abuse
where the parents get away with it
because no one will listen to the foreign man.
You think that’s right?
Well here let me show you how I do things,
in video after video,
and can I show you this story?
Follow my Facebook page.
Now who’s listenin’
I ask the interviewer.
Will you help this boy
become himself again,
step out of systems of abuse
and let his daddy heal him?

Okay Pondicherry we put you to the test.
It’s a public ride.
Do you care about this boy?
Why have the parents taken all his rights?
Do they have the right to abuse him?
Do I have no rights as a parent?
And I have been raising him for years.
Wait ‘till you hear why they took ‘im,
on impulse,
for a bad story they did,
and I called them on it.
It’s all on Facebook.
Just look and see
Donny Lee Duke.

Now we’re goin’ somewhere.
He listens to me,
and we are there:
we get to see each other again.
We get to be together,
and we can heal wounds.
Thank you Pondicherry.
I know you care about children,
and I didn’t even have to hunger strike.
I just got interviewed by a member of the press,
and we took this story wide.
Now that’s business.
That’s coffee,
and that’s how you shame two parents
who have been evil to their child.
You give them a public face,
and suddenly the sex video they made of their child
doesn’t look for fun anymore.
It looks awfully deep,
their betrayal of their children
in their parenting room.
Do you hear me Pondicherry?
You will.

This is the sudden story
that shows you how to raise children,
and that’s not with a bat with a glove.
They get the best treatment
because they are our future,
and they do not live for us.
They live to be themselves
in the future God has put them on Earth for,
their soul’s purpose in time.
That Pondicherry
is why we raise children,
to bring a better Earth
to the love that they’ve found God,
atheists included
in this survey.
We just go the highest we can go
in bringing a human being to the heights of humanity.
That’s that little child you know,
and here, here,
we let them grow.
Any objections?
I thought not.

Well let’s go.
This little boy needs your help,
and we are waiting.
Thank you God.
Thank you world.
I knew I could count on you,
and it’s over.
We raise the world that way.
That’s how you do it.
I agree with that.
We put the night we lie in
in that abuse.
Do they play with his toy?
No it’s not pumped.
It’s not his genitals they play with.
They play with his mind.
I’ll never go over here
to sleep,
where I’m soft and warm and comfortable
at daddy’s house.’

He lies there awake at night
wondering at the enormity of his loss,
and the hope and the despair
rob his mind of sleep.
There they abuse him
in the night’s deep.
If you listen really closely
you can hear him cry
Oh God why have you done this to me?
I thought I was your child.
And his faith is gone,
and the night’s this huge monster
that gives him nightmares.
Great the feelings play
along being’s edge
to make him want to die.
Do you hear this Pondicherry?
Listen closely.
This boy needs our help.
Will you just let him lie?

What do you do with that?
Let’s go in the kitchen and think some,
drink some coffee.
You know that is a velacara man.
Do you do this to our own kind,
let a foreigner raise the alarm?
That’s the real question here,
isn’t it?
The abuse is secondary.
Whether it’s Hindi kidnappers
or a velacara man,
you will not blame yourselves for your own stolenings.
You need the world to change.
Alright Pondicherry,
let this boy and this man be together,
who for years been under your wings?
They belong there.
You’ve seen them so much
on your streets,
in your shops
and in your downtown,
and look at them there on the beach.
They’ve been in your heart Pondicherry
ever so long.
Just ask the guidebook,
all your surveillance cameras.
They’re nice together,
aren’t they?
For years.

This is cross country skiing,
and you go to Pondicherry.
An ape has his hand,
his mother on the phone.
Can we tell you the guidebook?
Bilbo Baggins,
I just wanna see ‘im. (vision of him sleeping)
I’ll walk to the landing.
Where were you again Patricia,
The boy has not stayed with you
in his first awakening.
He will come back to you soon.
I gave him a story,
but not in his department.
I met him online.
Hobbits are peace lovin’ folks you know [line heard sung]
I have the quarter to knock this out in him,
his return to brainwash,
and that’s America.
There’s a picture.
Now come on,
what have we here?
That’s a beautiful rose.
We’re goin’ in a cop shop,
and that’s gonna interrupt everybody.
It arms to daddy’s house.

I’m pretty sure your mother’s lying to you
about the presentation of that video.
Watch the video.
She’ll let me do it
at the capitol,
where we met yesterday.
What pad you had no idea.
Ah, that close
to my home in Kuruchikuppam.
Three more packages.
That will change everything:
you see each other again,
and the video
starts making updates.
You see that boy again.
You’re standin’ tall.
You’re standin’ fast.

The Pressure of Unspoken Tears

The photo of Sri Aurobindo over my writing desk

ஆங்கிலப் பதிப்பிற்குப் பிறகுதான் தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு.

Can you show me what he’s hiding?
Can you show me what he’s seen?
Twelve feet in him (horrible vision of Nithish drowning in an indoor swimming pool, only his face visible, on it terror and pain)
the psychological manipulation of his tears.
Where he bothered you:
he’s gonna have to clean up the horse
and the skin his mother gave him
and all his father’s done.
This has been gross, ugly, and mean.
It’s nonstop it hasn’t let up.
This is hurt him
deep in being’s ways.
His warm heart is gone.

He’s not himself.
He’s not even trying.
He would like to just go to bed.
He acts normal and sweet,
and then he flies off the handle at the slightest provocation.
He can’t deal with himself.
He’s scared to be alone.
He’s spends his time alone
in the middle of everybody.
He would like to kill himself sometimes.
He hates himself for giving in
to his parents.
He doesn’t know how to deal with the string between his legs.
It’s all confusing for him.

He doesn’t know where is up.
He would like to let go.
He doesn’t know how to talk
if anyone asks him about daddy.
He loves daddy,
but he can’t remember him properly.
He’s a very unhappy little boy
behind that smile of his,
and here’s where we find his pain:
he has to hide it,
or his parents get mad at him,
and here there is no relief.

Why is he crying his unwashed tears?
You would not hear a tear.
In the very beginning
this was shut up inside him
when his mother shut off those tears
to keep him from reminding her she’d done wrong
in taking him from daddy,
so abruptly,
so cruelly,
and so never see him again.
This broke the boy’s mind,
made him languish on himself,
took his heart and tore it in two
where no hope that it ever mend,
and this is what he carries around
to this day.

Now you laugh at him for being weak,
being such a titty-baby,
or you frown on him.
He’s never mentioned his daddy’s name
or that he wants to see him,
but he cannot speak I tell you,
and I’ve shown you all these gears inside,
but the day is coming
this boy will explode,
and he will tell everything
his parents have done to him
to make daddy a phantom in his mind
and a dead man in his heart.
To take this love this sweet boy had
and make him kill it in himself,
you have not seen this day
the boy lets all this out.
What do you think his silence is saying?
“I’m going to explode I’m going to explode.”
And there will be heart keeps
showing the world what he’s seen.
No one will doubt what his parents have done to him,
and no one will doubt what he needs.
He needs daddy.

That’s good for children.
They need to hear it,
and it’s eleven o’clock.
And who’s name do we use?
A fighting chance.
Where is the boy?
who can’t be seen,
but you know he’s there.
Look in your photographs.
This will arrange things.
This is what he needs to see.
It’s good for him sweetheart.
Don’t worry.
This is not next year.
He’s coming upon this now,
and it’s a long ways away
from his certain grasp of himself.

What’s the toast?
Something that can’t be mentioned,
his father’s house in Chennai.
He took out his little peter,
opened it for plain view,
and rapidly pumped it up and down,
making the boy feel his father’s lust,
making the boy feel what he’d know all along:
oh no not you too.
This lasted long enough
for the boy to get those feelings
that something was coming
that he would bound to himself,
and all of a sudden the father stopped
and played with himself in the boy’s view.
“This is what it looks like son.
This is where you came from.”
And the boy said yes appa,
I see it,
and he though to himself
you burning hypocrite,
and fear his father wanted more:
roll over son.

Now here we go,
another speculation model
here in his father’s underwear,
his appa’s pride,
his appa’s foolishness,
his appa’s dirty trick,
but you’ll find explodes
when that boy finally speaks.
“Father you have my control handle,
and you use it just like my mother does,
to make me obey you and to control.”
Now look at this boy’s life,
and so many of you do.
What would you do if you saw him on the street?
With all the compassion you could muster,
would you look at this boy’s eyes
and tell them to speak?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
You say nothing
just let him pass.

Vision of Sri Aurobindo
showing this,
what picture we use.
It’s got wrote on it.
Do you see it?
This is page one
in the history of children.
Father likes his beer,
his stout drink.
Come here son, come here,
I wanna show you what’s mine,
and I can violate you there.
It’s appa’s right.
It’s his shine.

Does this sting?
It’s got the handle
of a little boy’s pleasure
to make him do what his father says,
and if you don’t believe me
take a look
at the world.
The number of father’s that do this
is bringing the world to its knees.
We choose pleasure over love,
and we stay in line and don’t rock the boat,
don’t we society,
oh so many number of men.
Can you feel it?
Can you grasp it?
Leave your boy alone.
You got a problem there.
The grasp handle,
it’s for boys.

Are you with me wrote?
That’s the danger
all father’s face.
Let’s get it out in the open
where we can see it.
You there,
you did good.
Thank you.

He comes to her with such a smile,
and he knows I’m in pain.
It was your mother’s pride.
Will he hurt his daddy?
No my sweet boy
you’re okay with me,
and the festival tomorrow
we did run.
Did you know that?
Give it to him fiercely and nicely,
this boy’s destiny,
why so much pain.
He’s the poet of a sunrise,
and he will help children everywhere
from systems of abuse.

See you tomorrow
and he knows there’s a difference
between what his mother tells him
and what I do.
This isn’t fair him.
You need to see his face.
There are bruises on it from a gifted childhood
right at the point
they put a said on the planet.
Are you game for watching heroes?
Watch this boy.
Now will you help?
I’d like to see him.
சொல்லப்படாத கண்ணீரின் அழுத்தம்
அவர் மறைத்து வைத்திருப்பதைக் காட்ட முடியுமா?
அவர் பார்த்ததை எனக்குக் காட்ட முடியுமா?
அவருக்குள் பன்னிரெண்டு அடிகள்
அவரது கண்ணீரின் உளவியல் கையாளுதல். (உள்துறை நீச்சல் குளத்தில் மூழ்கி நித்திஷின் பயங்கரமான பார்வை, அவன் முகம் மட்டும் தெரியும், அதில் பயங்கரமும் வலியும்)
அவர் உங்களை எங்கே தொந்தரவு செய்தார்:
அவர் குதிரையை சுத்தம் செய்ய வேண்டும்
மற்றும் அவரது தாய் அவருக்கு கொடுத்த தோல்
மற்றும் அவரது தந்தை செய்த அனைத்தும்.
இது மொத்தமாகவும், அசிங்கமாகவும், மோசமானதாகவும் இருந்தது.
இது இடைவிடாது அது விடவில்லை.
இது அவரை காயப்படுத்துகிறது
இருப்பின் வழிகளில் ஆழமாக.
அவரது சூடான இதயம் போய்விட்டது.

அவர் தானே இல்லை.
அவர் முயற்சி செய்வதும் இல்லை.
அவர் படுக்கைக்குச் செல்ல விரும்புகிற.
அவர் இயல்பாகவும் இனிமையாகவும் செயல்படுகிறார்,
பின்னர் அவர் கைப்பிடியில் இருந்து பறக்கிறது சிறிய ஆத்திரமூட்டலில்.
அவர் தன்னை சமாளிக்க முடியாது.
அவர் தனியாக இருக்க பயப்படுகிறார்.
அவர் தனது நேரத்தை தனியாக செலவிடுகிறார்
அனைவருக்கும் நடுவில்.
சில சமயங்களில் தன்னைக் கொல்ல விரும்புவார்.
விட்டுக்கொடுப்பதற்காக அவர் தன்னை வெறுக்கிறார்
அவரது பெற்றோருக்கு.
அவர் கால்களுக்கு இடையில் இருக்கும் சரத்தை எப்படி சமாளிப்பது என்று தெரியவில்லை.
அவனுக்கு எல்லாமே குழப்பமாக இருக்கிறது.

அவனுக்கு தெரியாது எந்த திசையில் எந்த திசையில் மேலே செல்ல வேண்டும்.
அவர் விட்டுவிட விரும்புகிறார்.
அவருக்குப் பேசத் தெரியாது
அப்பாவைப் பற்றி யாராவது அவரிடம் க daddy.
அவர் daddy நேசிக்கிறார்,
ஆனால் முடியாது ஆனால் அவரை சரியாக நினைவில் கொள்ள முடியவில்லை.
அவர் இப்போது மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியற்ற சிறு பையன்.
அவன் புன்னகையின் பின்னால்
அவருடைய வலியை இங்கே காணலாம்:
அவர் அதை மறைக்க வேண்டும்
அல்லது அவனுடைய பெற்றோர் அவன் மீது கோபம் கொள்கிறார்கள்,
மற்றும் இங்கே நிவாரணம் இல்லை.

கழுவாத கண்ணீரை ஏன் அழுகிறார்?
நீங்கள் கண்ணீர் கேட்க மாட்டீர்கள்.
இது அவருக்குள் மூடியிருந்தது
அவன் அம்மா அந்த கண்ணீரை அணைத்த போது
அவள் தவறு செய்ததை அவளுக்கு நினைவூட்டுவதைத் தடுக்க
daddy விடமிருந்து அவரை அழைத்துச் செல்வதில்,
மிகவும் திடீரென்று,
மிகவும் கொடூரமாக,
அதனால் அவன் daddy வை இனி பார்க்கவே மாட்டான்.
அது சிறுவனின் மனதை உடைத்தது மனம்.
இது அவனை தன்னுள் புதைத்துக்கொள்ள வைத்தது.
இது அவரது இதயத்தை எடுத்து இரண்டாகப் பிரித்தது,
மற்றும் அது எப்பொழுதும் சரியாகும் என்ற நம்பிக்கை இல்லை.
அவர் இதை எல்லா இடங்களிலும் கொண்டு செல்கிறார்
இந்த நாள் வரைக்கும்.

இப்போது நீங்கள் மிகவும் சிறிய பையனைப் போல நடந்த கொள்வதற்காக அவரைப் பார்த்து சிரிக்கிறீர்கள்
அல்லது நீங்கள் அவரை முகம் சுளிக்கிறீர்கள்.
அவர் daddy வின் பெயரைக் குறிப்பிடவில்லை,
அல்லது அவர் அவரைப் பார்க்க விரும்புகிறார்.
ஆனால் அவரால் பேச முடியாது, நான் உங்களுக்கு சொல்கிறேன்.
இந்த கியர்களை எல்லாம் அவருக்குள் காட்டியிருக்கிறேன்.
ஆனால் நாள் வருகிறது
இந்த சிறுவன் வெடிக்கப் போகிறான் என்று.
அவர் எல்லாவற்றையும் சொல்வார்
அவரது பெற்றோர் செய்தார்கள்
அதனால் அவர் daddy வை ஒரு மாயத்தோற்றம் என்று நினைப்பார் அவரது மனதில்
மற்றும் அவரது இதயத்தில் ஒரு இறந்த மனிதன்.
இந்த இனிய சிறுவனை daddy மீதான காதலை கொல்ல வைக்க,
இந்த நாளை நீங்கள் பார்க்கவில்லை
சிறுவன் அதையெல்லாம் வெளியே விடுகிறான்.
அவருடைய மௌனம் என்ன சொல்கிறது என்று நினைக்கிறீர்கள்?
"நான் வெடிக்கப் போகிறேன், நான் வெடிக்கப் போகிறேன்."
மற்றும் அவர் தனது இதயத்தில் என்ன வைத்திருக்கிறார்
அவர் பார்த்ததை உலகுக்குக் காட்டுகிறது.
அவனுடைய பெற்றோர் அவனுக்கு என்ன செய்தார்கள் என்று யாரும் சந்தேகிக்க மாட்டார்கள்.
அவருக்கு என்ன தேவை என்பதை யாரும் சந்தேகிக்க மாட்டார்கள்.
அவருக்கு daddy தேவை.

அது குழந்தைகளுக்கு நல்லது.
அவர்கள் அதைக் கேட்க வேண்டும்.
இப்போது மணி பதினொன்று.
மேலும் யாருடைய பெயரைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறோம்?
ஒரு சண்டை வாய்ப்பு.
பையன் எங்கே?
யாரை பார்க்க முடியாது,
ஆனால் அவர் அங்கு இருக்கிறார் என்பது உங்களுக்குத் தெரியும்.
உங்கள் புகைப்படங்களில் பாருங்கள்.
இது விஷயங்களை ஏற்பாடு செய்யும்.
அவர் பார்க்க வேண்டியது இதுதான்.
இது அவருக்கு நல்லது அன்பே.
இது அடுத்த வருடம் அல்ல.
அவர் இப்போது இதைப் பற்றி வருகிறார்,
மற்றும் அது வெகு தொலைவில் உள்ளது
இப்போது அவர் தன் மீது வைத்திருக்கும் பிடியில் இருந்து.

என்ன எரிக்கப்பட்டது?
குறிப்பிட முடியாத ஒன்று,
சென்னையில் அவரது தந்தை வீடு.
அவர் தனது சிறிய பீட்டரை வெளியே எடுத்தார்.
சிறுவனின் டெலிகேட் பகுதியை அம்பலப்படுத்த தோலை மீண்டும் இழுத்தார்
மற்றும் வேகமாக அதை மேலும் கீழும் உந்தி,
சிறுவனை தன் தந்தையின் இச்சையை உணர வைத்தது
மற்றும் அவர் ஏற்கனவே அறிந்ததை உணர:
இல்லை, நீயும் அப்பா?
இது போதுமான அளவு நீடித்தது
சிறு பையனுக்கு அந்த உணர்வுகள் வர
ஏதோ வருகிறது என்று
அவர் தனக்குத்தானே கட்டுப்படுவார் என்று,
மற்றும் திடீரென்று தந்தை நிறுத்தினார்
மேலும் சிறுவனின் பார்வையில் தன்னுடன் விளையாடினான்.
“இதுதான் மகனைப் போல் தெரிகிறது.
இங்கிருந்துதான் வந்தாய்” என்றார்.
பையன் ஆமாம் அப்பா என்றான்
நான் அதை பார்க்கிறேன்,
மற்றும் அவர் தன்னை நினைத்தேன்:
நீ எரியும் நயவஞ்சகன்,
மேலும் சிறுவன் தன் தந்தைக்கு அதிகமாக வேண்டும் என்று அஞ்சினான்:
மகனே உன் பின்பக்கத்தைக் காட்டு.

இப்போது இதோ போகிறோம்,
மற்றொரு ஊக மாதிரி
இங்கே அவரது தந்தையின் உள்ளாடையில்,
அவரது அப்பாவின் பெருமை,
அவன் அப்பாவின் முட்டாள்தனம்,
அவரது அப்பாவின் மோசமான தந்திரம்,
ஆனால் நீங்கள் வெடிப்பதைக் காண்பீர்கள்
இறுதியாக அந்த சிறுவன் பேசுகிறார்.
"அப்பா என் கட்டுப்பாட்டு கைப்பிடி உங்களிடம் உள்ளது,
என் அம்மாவைப் போலவே நீயும் பயன்படுத்துகிறாய்,
அதனால் நீங்கள் என்னை உங்களுக்குக் கீழ்ப்படியும்படி கட்டாயப்படுத்தலாம் மற்றும் நீங்கள் என்னைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தலாம்
இப்போது இந்த சிறுவனின் வாழ்க்கையை பாருங்கள்.
மற்றும் உங்களில் பலர் செய்கிறார்கள்.
அவரை தெருவில் பார்த்தால் என்ன செய்வீர்கள்?
நீங்கள் திரட்டக்கூடிய அனைத்து இரக்கத்துடனும்,
இந்த பையனின் கண்களைப் பார்ப்பீர்களா?
அவர்களை பேசச் சொல்லவா?
உங்களை நினைத்து நீங்கள் வெட்கப்பட வேண்டும்.
நீ ஒன்றும் சொல்லாதே
நீங்கள் அவரை மட்டும் கடந்து செல்ல அனுமதிக்கிறீர்கள்.

இதை காட்டும் ஆன்மீக தரிசனத்தில் ஸ்ரீ அரவிந்தரை நான் பார்க்கிறேன்.
நாம் எந்த படத்தை பயன்படுத்துகிறோம்.
அதில் எழுதப்பட்டுள்ளது.
நீங்கள் அதை பார்க்கிறீர்களா?
இது பக்கம் ஒன்று
குழந்தைகளின் வரலாற்றில்.
தந்தைக்கு பீர் பிடிக்கும்,
அவரது தடிமனான பானம்.
இங்கே வா மகனே, இங்கே வா,
நீங்கள் என் சொத்து என்பதை நான் உங்களுக்குக் காட்டவிரும்புகிறேன்
அங்கே நான் உனக்கு தீங்கு செய்ய முடியும்.
அது அப்பாவின் சரி.
அதுதான் அவனுடைய மினுமினுப்பு.

இது கொட்டுகிறதா?
இது கைப்பிடியைப் பெற்றுள்ளது
ஒரு சிறுவனின் மகிழ்ச்சி
அவன் தந்தை சொல்வதைச் செய்ய,
நீங்கள் என்னை நம்பவில்லை என்றால்
உலகத்தைப் பாருங்கள்.
இதைச் செய்யும் தந்தையின் எண்ணிக்கை
உலகத்தை மண்டியிட வைக்கிறது.
அன்பை விட இன்பத்தைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கிறோம்.
நாங்கள் வரிசையில் இருக்கிறோம், படகை அசைக்க மாட்டோம்,
ஓ எத்தனையோ ஆண்கள்.
உன்னால் உணர முடிகிறதா?
உங்களால் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியுமா?
உங்கள் பையனை தனியாக விடுங்கள்.
உங்களுக்கு அங்கே ஒரு பிரச்சனை.
பிடிப்பு கைப்பிடி,
அது சிறுவர்களுக்கானது.

நீங்கள் என்னுடன் இருக்கிறீர்களா?
அதுதான் ஆபத்து
ஒவ்வொரு தந்தையும் எதிர்கொள்கிறார்.
அதை திறந்த வெளியில் விடுவோம்
நாம் அதை எங்கே பார்க்க முடியும்.
நீ அங்கே,
நீங்கள் நன்றாக செய்தீர்கள்.

அவர் ஒரு புன்னகையுடன் அவளிடம் வருகிறார்,
மற்றும் நான் வலியில் இருக்கிறேன் என்பதை அவர் அநாங்கள் தலைமை தாங்கினோம் என்றுறிவார்.
அது உன் தாயின் பெருமை.
அவர் daddy வை காயப்படுத்துவாரா?
இல்லை என் இனிய பையன்
நான் உன்னுடன் நன்றாக இருக்கிறேன்.
மற்றும் நாளை திருவிழா
நாங்கள் தலைமை தாங்கினோம் என்று.
உனக்கு அதை பற்றி தெரியுமா?
அதை அவருக்கு கடுமையாகவும் அழகாகவும் கொடுங்கள்,
இந்த பையனின் விதி,
ஏன் இவ்வளவு வலி.
அவர் ஒரு சூரிய உதயத்தின் கவிஞர்,
மற்றும் அவர் எல்லா இடங்களிலும் குழந்தைகளுக்கு உதவுவார்
துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்யப்படுவதிலிருந்து.

நாளை சந்திப்போம்,
என்று திருப்புவதும் முறுக்குவதும்.
ஒரு வித்தியாசம் இருப்பதை அவர் அறிவார்
அவனுடைய அம்மா அவனிடம் சொல்வதிலிருந்து
மற்றும் நான் என்ன செய்கிறேன்.
இது அவருக்கு நியாயமில்லை.
அவன் முகத்தைப் பார்க்க வேண்டும்.
ஒரு திறமையான குழந்தை பருவத்திலிருந்தே அதில் காயங்கள் உள்ளன
என்று புள்ளியில் உள்ளது
முழு கிரகமும் அதைப் பற்றி பேசியது.
ஹிரோஸ் பார்க்க வேண்டுமா?
இப்போது நீங்கள் உதவுவீர்களா?
தயவுசெய்து அவரைப் பார்க்க எனக்கு உதவுங்கள்.

Look at Pregnant

You deleted a poem,
“Big Time Desire”,
and I know why you did it.
You didn’t wanna lie.
I don’t want to play with that notion.
Desire is present.
Did she give Nithish a bath
and wash his genitals?

There was no bath there,
but she pushed him
to expose himself to her,
and played with his penis
to make it stand.
It was all aglow.
She bent down and kissed it,
and he felt warm there.
She kissed the open head,
where she was about to suck it,
and she stopped herself.

This was in the bathroom behind closed doors.
Stay with it.
She never fondled him again,
and she was scared he would tell,
so she blanked him from you,
will not give him the chance to see you
to keep him from telling on her.

I need the phone number.
Sorry, we’d take him
before opening that round to you.
What do I do with the public,
restore the poem?
Douglas didn’t wanna stop his sweeping
and come down and do it.
An overreacting to the turkey folder,
why don’t you take it back to the station?

This is held up in court with him.
(vision with the above line of him sitting in a barber’s chair, then standing up and turning towards me, but his body facing to the side, and giving me an open smile and then changing his body and face into a funny exaggerated posture like a kid does to exaggerate something)
What does she feel like with my dogs?
Emotional thing.
She’s not into chasing you
about this freeway.
She just wants you to shut up about it,
say it never happened,
but this is the big story,
what happened right after she took you from me,
a mother’s folly
with her son in the bath.

She thought she was trying to prove something to you,
why she did that.
It was localized fever.
You were crying to see me,
and it was a frantic moment.
She had to have you
calm down,
so she took you in the bathroom
and molested you,
as I’ve described.

You stopped crying
and gave her your penis
like little boys do
with their momma.
You didn’t know she’d perform a sex act.
It surprised you,
buried you,
and it felt good,
and here’s the reaction
that gave you to your mother:
that was humiliating
to let her see your desire,
and it changed you into her boy,
because she had uttered the secret password
to a boy’s hidden feelings for his mother
that you hide even from yourself.
She control you there,
reminds you of that humiliation
wherever she controls you.

I’m sorry this happened.
I need you taken out of her care
and placed back in mine,
and so I have to tell people about this my boy,
so when they do come and question you,
they will ask you about this.
It happened.
It’s real.
I saw it in vision,
and I saw it in your dreams before she took you,
dreams that made you so embarrassed,
where she came against you
and made you do intercourse with her,
in the weird way dreams suddenly make that happen,
and you only wanted her love.

Two dreams of the same nature,
not very far apart,
they told me this happened.
I’m putting it out to the public view.
I have to.
It’s an emergency.
You have to be questioned about her,
her slapping you,
her beating you,
her constant psychological manipulation,
her guarding you from telling on her,
so I tell on her here,
and I tell on her in front of everybody.
This woman needs her reckoning.
She needs to face what’s she’s done,
and here I’m making sure of that.

Did you get in touch
to Chennai?
You mean his father masturbated him there,
pulled his warm pony?

It happened a couple of weeks ago,
the father on his fish,
that warm handle.
He needs to be questioned about this too.
I saw it happen in vision,
and the man was doing it to his little brothers
every weekend he came home from Chennai.
Nithish described it to me each time,
and I warned him he’d want him too.
Now it’s happened,
and these parents are afraid
Nithish would tell me everything,
so I can’t see him,
because they both molested Nithish.
It’s on the tip of his tongue now.
Just ask him.

And that we also teach at my house,
bring Nithish home to safety.
Vision of Nithish.
Watch this poem.
I’m not in it.
You mean it’s a lie,
some inner representation of some outer event,
or it’s not even that?
You’re not giving me a chance.
You’re just tellin’ on me.
You embarrass me in public,
and I enjoyed it.

You will will not even call my name
to your mother or father.
You will is not my friend.
I have to get you out of this bad situation,
and you’re gonna have to admit that.
You’re not gonna fall here.
No one’s gonna take action.
It would just give one more reason
for you to be questioned
away from your mother.
It will make no big splash.
Few will even read it.
I state myself it’s conjecture.
I have no proof these things occurred.
I will just look like a parent
trying to get custody back.

Why arm this sail then?
The abuse needs to be noted in public,
what your parents did to you
to get you away from me.
I’m not blind to what I’m doin’.
It will not hurt you publicly,
and I do not say you told me these things.
I’m making an accusation,
and I want people to find it out.
That’s what I’m doing.
That’s what I’m trying.
I am helping you,
and that’s what I do with my time.

The Poet of a Sunrise

photos by the author
What happened
at your advocate's office?
He was threatened,
when you came alive he was threatened.
He had to obey his mother.
Is that the real card?
You thwarted her.
You put yourself there not the mission.
It was all your fault,
never mind her cruelty.

Why do you allow her that?
Why does she have all the power?
You’re not being fair,
and it has never changed,
and I got no help there.
So blame it on me,
but You could’ve helped.
You could’ve done something.

Why die?
Because I’m lost him,
and I cannot live without him,
and it’s the betrayal of the universe,
the betrayal of God.
There’s a spider there.
She believes it,
does not see how inhuman she has become.

To not even allow you to embrace after all that pain,
two solid months of grief?
She kept him behind her
and even put her hand over his face
so you could not see each other
when he tried to look at you from behind her.
No one will show her cruelty to her.
We just want you to feel certain effects,
and We allow this.

Yesterday was your tragic happening,
and you did that tragically.
The list’s off the end.
I know to pleasure that,
so I know I’ve done the right thing.
There is no possibility.
There is no possibility.
There is no possibility.
He’s deleted everything
except the system delete.
Go in the freezer please.

Open your account.
You’re a fish.
You’ve got to give maybe.
He needs your care and attention.
This number’s strong.
Please try later.

This is the stage of real power.
This is the lonely winter stage.
It’s about who’s going to the stationary shop
and buying him metals and honor.
I can do that.
No, no, my hair’s growing.
will fight me for it.
I’m not concerned with that.
I’m concerned with your future.

People this is imaginary pool.
He hasn’t told me these things in the outer world.
I look at him in spiritual vision,
and I hear him tell me things.
Lydia I think you’ve punished him for that.
You have a primitive mindset,
all of you,
and you don’t understand the power of poetry.
I have restored everything to show you.
These poems here might be valued long after you are gone.

What that boy is is a poet,
to a degree that most childs aren’t.
Here is a poem that speaks of the future.
It’s talking directly about
Sandiya taking Nithish from me,
and the way that we find peace from that,
how to do it.
It is written in poetic symbols.
You will only recognize the last line
as him talking about what’s going on today.

Read this poem and tell me
he has no future here;
this is the stupid babbling of a child;
this does not show that he has any talent whatsoever;
this is just a piece of garbage.

The argument I am having
with his mother and father
is over his future.
I can give him American citizenship,
a U.S. passport to travel the world,
a university education in America
if he so choose.
I will not shove school down his throat.

I also give to him
the status of a poet,
not his future self,
the child Nithish today.
What is a poet?
A person all honor
and hold in high esteem.
They write the culture
and give it direction and meaning.
They hold out their hand
and presidents and prime ministers kiss it.
They are the special meaning
the world awaits
with honor.

I give that to Nithish.
His parents can’t.
They are concerned with possession, rules, and school.
I have his department.
I not only know what he wants.
I can give it to him.
They know now he loves me,
wants to be with me
and has this whole time.
They punish him and punish him now
simply because he loves me.
That is not fair.
That is not right,
and I’m sorry you have to see this,
two parents doing this to their child,
from waves of jealousy
and hatred of the foreigner.
Here I am,
and here is his poem
take us to the future.

Paradise Things With Lyrics
by S. Nithish

Reach for peace,
but it’s a long jump away.
It’s One stairs.
Butterflies are our airplanes.
They’re peaceful and calm.
They can fly us to space.
From there we need to walk.

There’s a place for everybody in the world.
I did two steps:
let the Light be the guide;
my place is out of this world.
We all have something that we should pass on.
I do not have a turnoff button.

The ancient minds were better.
They left out clues for us.
They left out clues around the world.
We should always say thanks.
Stars were meant to be together.

He Would Not Even Speak to Me

This is a photo of Nithish my advocate took at his office last night, May 7. He has lost so much weight, the hollow look on his face and in his eyes I cannot stop crying over. He did not look like this when his mother took him from my house.

I am very embarrassed to explain, but I lost control of my emotions in a meeting with the mother and the boy and my advocate. When she entered, she kept the boy behind her, using her hand to put over his face so he could not see me. I went behind him and put my hands on his head, and she quickly maneuvered so that I couldn’t touch him. There had been a second, when he was on the stars behind his mother, that he gave a week smile, but after that he pretended I was not even there.

The mother, boy, and the advocate went to the office, and I stood near the door, until they shut it. I could hear the boy crying and then the advocate shouting at him. Then I and my grown son was called into the office. I just looked at Nithish, who was trying to pretend I wasn’t there. I could not take that, and I began asking him to please speak to me, say anything but say something, and he would not. I asked him is he loved me, and he gave a weak yes, and then I began asking him about his mother hitting him with a flat board, what he had told to me to begin by in a phone conversation the very night before. He nodded a weak yes, that the advocate saw but not the mother, and when she turned her head to look at him, he stopped assenting. I told him that he had told me to do that, and he would speak, and he nodded his head again, and when the mother looked, he stopped.

I had pulled out my phone in the beginning of the meeting, and my advocate told me not to make a video. But then I saw the mother holding her phone like she was making one, and I knocked it out of her hands across the room. Then She took Nithish by the arm to leave, but I blocked her, telling the advocate that he saw the boy’s being abused and brainwashed, and I asked him to call child welfare. He refused. He physically took a hold of me and began moving me out of the office so the mother could leave with the boy, in a way that I could have to contact, even be near him. I was trying my best to keep her from taking him out of that office. I failed, and they left, and then I was severely dressed down for my actions by the advocate, asking me if I wanted to go to jail, and I was told once again, that in India, you can do anything about child abuse, not matter if it’s illegal or not.

I tried to explain that I am not India, am an emotional American, and that for two months I had been in severe emotional distress, getting calls from my boy to help him, and here I just could not not hug him or greet him, how impossible that was for me. I had to get him to speak to me.

So, it’s now over, and I am returning to America in the fastest possible way. I have to get away from this pain that boy giving it to me. If he won’t help, then I can do nothing for him. I’m sorry. I did my very best, and no one out there would help either. I never even got a single comment for support in any of these posts describing this tragic situation.

We See the System Now

photos by the author
And Hear It
Voice Record
This is an audio recording of a telephone conversation between Nithish and I on April 20th, where he’s had to sneak to call me, where discovery is near, and we both are very upset and frustrated. Please pardon us, we are doing the best that we can.

Central to understanding the poem below is not only the above recording, but also a recorded telephone conversation in Tamil between the parents, Nithish, and my oldest (unofficially adopted) son, who’s 30. In the conversation Nithish is made to speak against his will. He’s frightened and not himself. We had gotten a local police station to do a meditation with the mother. She came, and my advocate, my grown son, two cops, and I had a very intense discussion with her, and after we left, she brought Nithish and had him tell the cops that if he saw me on the street he would not speak to me, and that he did not want to visit his former home here at the lake.

They did not speak to him away from his mother as they told us they would do, and we were not told of any other questions that they asked him, as it’s obvious he did not just sit down and tell them that. I’ve discovered that they began by asking him if he loved me, and he said yes, and if he were happy with me, and he said yes, and if I ‘bothered’ him, and he said I did not sexually abuse him, knowing what the cop meant. I cannot tell you how I know he was also asked these things, but I know he was.

Then, in the phone conversation I’m describing, which took place last night at midnight, he was made to say he was happy with his mother and did not ever want to see me again, and that her taking him out late at night to allow him to drive the bike and buy him ice cream the first few nights after he was taking from my house was what he asked her to do, even though she never did this with him before taking him from me, not one single time. Lydia, his auntie, his mother’s sister, had told me she did this immediately after taking him from me, and she asked her sister what she was doing, and the mother replied he felt bad, and she was making him feel better.

The other day, I found out it was because he was crying for me, and I told Lydia this the day before the phone conversation I’m describing. She obviously told Sandiya, and so Sandiya is trying to cover that base too. That his mother is even having him saying this just shows how sick she is being with her son. In all he says on the phone, which is less than a minute in the conversation, it’s obvious he’s being forced to say it and doesn’t want to. Even if you don’t know Tamil, when you hear the kid speak, you know he’s being made to lie. I give you this background so you can understand the poem below and the tragic position the boy is now in.

I’m flatten for a reason.
I have evidence
I need daddy.
wrong with me
only he can fix.
Please daddy believe me.
You’re accused in the yard.
Come back to me now
in front of your parents
or else
this may not end well.

Where do we put Lydia?
In the phone conversation,
and don’t trust Lydia.
Bad talking to her.
Trust Nithish on the phone.
That’s his real voice,
when he’s speaking to me in a private conversation,
not the prompted speech.
Going to the station,
did Nithish make a complaint against me?
They didn’t explain any class action suit.
It doesn’t surprise me.
It’s not gonna court.
He loves me,
and that’s not what they wanna hear.

All this money,
who raped him?
Who raped him?
A voice recording
you mentioned in class
and the muse in a poem.
That’s prompted all this drama.
Tell me,
what did Nithish say?
They’re not stupid.
They can get in trouble.
They can get in trouble for mentioning things.
There’s scared of what he said,

When I’m on the phone with him,
it wasn’t to take him to a liquor store.
He’s giving me plans on how to get him out of there,
out from under the control of his parents,
who’ve done devious things to him.
I tell him my plans,
and we renew our bond,
so glad to hear each other’s voice.
What’s the Mr. Mystery here?
That the boy calls me at all.
His parents don’t want to believe that,
but of course they know it’s true.
What does it mean to them?
They are forcing him to say things against his will
in anything concerning me.
He is afraid to tell them his true feelings
because he’s terrified at what they might do to him.
Can we get an arraignment here?

I was called last night
and given a voice recording
of Sandiya and Sundar
forcing the boy to tell lies
that he knows are lies.
I’ve been raising him since he was a small boy.
Our relationship grew into that,
but they made him say
they let him live with me solely for the sake of school,
that I would facilitate that.

And other thing,
my advocate, Douglas, Mithun, Nithish,
Sandiya, Sundar, and I,
sat down here at the lake and had a talk
near on seven months ago.
We wanted him here
during the week,
with his parents on the weekends,
and we wanted to home school him.
I mentioned to his mother death threats and abuse
that had been going on,
that she and Sundar had been doing
to Nithish.
She immediately capitulated
and said the schedule would go back
to him with me during the week,
and with them on the weekends,
but not home school him.

On the phone the boy was made to say
he spent the weekdays with me
solely to help him prepare for his final exams.
These people are grasping for straws,
change their story every time you turn around.
Sandiya was saying,
before this,
she took Nithish from me because I took him out of school,
because I had turned him against school,
because I was a bad influence on him in regards to school,
and I kept brainwashing him that he had dyslexia.
What happened to that story?

Sandiya and Sundar you are a piece of cake.
You’re not intelligent enough to muster
a good defense for taking Nithish from me.
We go back to a child sex video
the mother had made of her son Mithrin, three.
It was all in fun she said,
no sexual intentions behind it,
although it’s child porn
on any scale you look at,
explicit child porn.
What do you do with that?

In a conversation with the mother
and my advocate,
I didn’t want the scheduled changed,
and Nithish comes to me only one day a week.
I do not trust those parents.
I do not think they’re good parents,
but I was not keeping Nithish from them.
I wanted the schedule to remain the way it was.
I had him four days.
They had him three.
I had him on the weekdays.
They had him on the weekends.
In the conversation I mentioned the video,
did not say one word about it except Nithish had given it to me
and had told me about his father doing
the nature of the video with his little brothers.
I wanted to point out that’s bad parenting.
I wanted to say I didn’t want Nithish exposed to that,
but I did not get the chance to speak.
On mentioning the video,
and her realizing what I was mentioning,
she began screaming
“Get out of my house!
Get out of my family!”
And she would take Nithish from me,
which she did
at my house
on the farm
about 45 minutes later.
That was the reason she took ‘im.
She thinks I was blackmailing her.
We have her recorded in phone conversations
saying that over and over.
Now what do you do with that?
You call a spade a spade.

Listen to me
Sandiya and Sundar,
I’m going to protect that boy.
Your lies, your subterfuge,
will not get in the way.
You are not good to him.
You are not good for him.
He was publicly humiliated
in his chair,
and life,
the feeling of life,
you took from him.
He is on the verge of a mental breakdown.
You have split him in two.
His one person with me
and another person with you.
You’re too primitive to realize that.

Now here’s the cat in the hat.
I’ve been with that boy most of his life,
and he has loved me dearly.
That’s been public view.
Oh amma and appa I never wanna see him again,
what does it sound like?
Oh amma and appa of course I want to see him.
I just wanna live with you
and just see him sometimes,
but I have loved this man for so many years.
Of course I’d like to see him.
Do you see the Hitler here,
the Nazi brainwashing technique?
Never wanna see me again?
That’s not normal,
after such a close bond
for so many years.

Can I introduce you to parental alienation
in this classic brainwashing technique?
The parents are just being primitive,
They don’t know they fill a type.
This is happening all over the globe
to children everywhere,
parental alienation,
Nazi in its underpinnings.
Now here you can see it plain as day.
What are you gonna do about it?
Put a like at my machine?
We need some real help.
but first we need you to see
this little boy’s in big trouble,
can’t you see?

I love you Nithish.
We need to reach peace,
and it’s been a long jump away.
The message is
You have so show your parents you love me
and want to see me.
There is no other way.
The divine will not help until you do.
You have to be bigger than your parents.
You have to come out of primitive humanity.
You are in the world to make a difference in the world,
not to enjoy nice food and pleasures,
like they’re the reason you live.
You’re in a tomb Nithish,
and you need to come back from the dead.
You need to confront yourself.
You need to be Nithish,
unified and singular,
the boy that you are,
not a boy with two personalities
you have been in this custody dispute.
That’s dangerous.

That’s psychological trauma.
I do not want to get you in trouble,
but you have to be yourself Nithish,
and I give the recording for that.
Don’t blind it.
It’s a zombie test.
Your witness.
Admit I mean something to you,
and I’m an important person in your life.
Stop lying about that
because you’re scared of your parents.
You are dangerously close
to big mental problems.
I’m the one who heals you Nithish,
but you know that don’t you?
And that’s why you’re reachin’ out.
Now we can all stand erect
when that trauma’s been put out.
Do you get me baby dog?
That’s the unit
no strings attached,
a true healing measure.
You’ve got your record.

Dreams of a lifetime
are not in your corner now Nithish.
They have been removed from your seeing
by your parents’ insistence on me
being taken completely out of your life.
I put the video for that reason,
for your future Nithish.
The advocacy is there.
No, no I’m sorry,
you asked me to put a man there
to help you get out of there.
He’s here my baby dog.
Let’s listen to him.
He’ll be there in a few minutes.

You can see the permission I get.
Sandiya, Lydia,
what rendezvous point?
I have punishment for them.
No they will not be beat with a stick.
They will hear what they have done to your life.
A doctor will tell them.
There were three of us together.
It’s me, you, and Douglas.
Help me.
Just a minute I’m pointing my post.
I am not some stupid rule book out to get you.
How’s he blues it?
You may never talk to me again.
You may renounce me.
You may hate me,
but love makes sacrifices,
and I’m sacrificing for you Nithish.

You, me, and Douglas were a team.
Can we go to America together?
You think about that
before you hate me forever more.
I’m writing your best interests not mine.
That’s what parents do.
They give their children their life,
even if it hurts them,
even if they may never see their child again because of it.
That’s parental love Nithish,
and it’s where I find you
in this poem.

You need help Nithish,
and I’m showin’ people you need that
in a love poem to you.
Psychological damage,
does anybody deny it?
I love you so very much Nithish,
even more than seeing you.
I am only crying right now.
What more can I say?
I have hurt myself so much posting this poem.
Would you please look my way?

Daddy’s afraid
of Nithish.
I grew up with this statement.
I see the father in him
wanting me to be safe
at all costs,
even where he loses me.
Oh daddy I understand.
Don’t be afraid.
My parents have not killed my love for you,
and they never will.
I love you daddy.
I wanna see you again.

It was a simple record
come open
when you know your child’s in danger.
I’ve stood up for him.
I’ve laid down my life.
Is that parental love?
No one will grant me that because I’m a foreigner and I love boys,
what that used to mean
before it was tainted.
I gather you in the right way.
I’m not a fiend, a monster, a smuck.
I’m not an abuser of boys.
That life has changed.

I love him
in the meaning of that word,
and there is no difference
than the love God has for you
and the love I have for this boy.
Oh my God,
the sacrifice of love.

I’m a helmet for him
to protect him from this abuse,
this psychological trauma
that everyone’s ignoring that’s happening.
I give you my all.
I show you everything.
I do not hold back.
Will you please help my boy?

Systems of Abuse

photos by the author
It’s the system’s folder.
You think you’ve got arms against me.
You don’t have abuse.
What is that boy holding in his pocket,
a good talking to?
You know he squealed.
Did he pee on himself too?
The boy was naked before his parents.

Behind closed doors dad got the shotgun out,
and he pulled on it,
and the boy cried out.
How many times did Sandiya slap ‘im at the same time?
Then the big pull came.
He thought his father was gonna yank his little apple off.
These things are mine,
and I will show you to tell on me!

Hysterical I think Nithish was
by this time.
Did he fall into a heap on the floor and cry?
I’ve heard that cry in vision.
It was a moaning wail, wasn’t it?
I cried just hearing it.
The whole world had betrayed him,
even me.
What do you do with your kid,
when trying to protect him,
you brought all hell down on his head?

I am so sorry Nithish.
Stay here,
I will remove that trauma from you
and help you out of the bathroom,
where your mother took you
after that fight.
Of course you told them you’re sorry.
Of course you told a lie.
They were devils, weren’t they?

I’m going by.
Nithish I love you,
and it’s not just for me.
I mean when I say it
I will do whatever it takes to protect you from harm,
the harm I describe here,
and the harm of telling Nithish he’s not Nithish,
brainwashing baby dog.

I’m here to cure that,
and I will never let you go.
I will protect you until my last breath,
and I’m authorized to say that.
I’ve looked the world in the eye
and dared it to kill me,
and I’ve had to think about starting World War Three.
I didn’t know the bomb wasn’t loaded.

So you see Captain Nithish,
I’m an airplane,
and that’s what you’ve been flyin’ in all these years,
and I’m comin’ back for yah.
I guarantee it.
I’m a Green Beret on steroids,
spiritual vision.
How is this vision here?
This happened, did it not?

We’ve come to the battle line.
Combat before an atom bomb presents itself.
Oh but Sandiya would lose control,
like she did in the bathroom that night.
Nithish was crying had betrayed his parents.
Sundar had yanked his plaything pretty hard.
He was crying and all out of sorts,
holdin’ onto his jewels.

She took him in the bathroom and examined him some,
and she just couldn’t help it.
She gave a wet kiss to the end of his Willy Wonka,
and it stood up for her.
Then she pumped it several times,
and he was all glad on himself,
stopped crying.

Oh my God what am I doin’?
And she stopped,
gave the boy a bath,
and they never spoke of it again.
She molested him.
So I can’t see ‘im.
He will tell me that.
He already has.

Oh the recording I have of him,
it was our last conversation.
No private part in this video,
but you hear how he wants to be with me.
I’m sure Sandiya wants that audio.
I’ve savin’ it for the court.

Hear what she says:
I love that little boy’s whistle,
and I control him from there—
baby handle,
do what I say.
You get the picture?
Heavier incense.
Here it is I reveal
Sandiya’s and Sundar’s abuse of Nithish.
That’s a military handle.

Salvageable warfare,
and it makes you
think you can see him tomorrow.
This is the Friday postponed
I’ve been waiting for.
An inspector says I can see him.
We will see.
I dare not hope yet,
and I’m so afraid he doesn’t wanna see me.

I put the military vision
on the payload.
I don’t know to point it out.
Slander that is,
and it didn’t happen,
or if Nithish won’t tell.
Magic it is
if it did,
and that boy will know that.
I saw what happened to him
like I was there.
How could he throw that away?

His parents have not that power.
They abuse him.
It’s a waiting field.
I’ll point it out tomorrow.
Look what’s coming from a loud speaker is this,
is only recording of his pain.
That can’t be faked.
I don’t have it in my hands.
So Nithish,
he’d have to tell daddy,
and he may want me to leave the room.

Poor ole Hannah suffers there alone.
She really misses you.
24th control,
even when he was centered
right next to her.
oh please,
Let this boy see his daddy.

Nozzle evaporated.
Uh oh.
There was enough
to get him to see me.
Get on this bail.
I have the mode.
Wake up for me.
So he is closed.
I can’t enlist him.
What can I say?

Just a little bit free,
not a result of your suffering.
I’m being myself.
You would want to see me then.
That is what’s holocaust weird.
What happened to you
that you would blind your eyes to me because they told you to?
Here’s where it doesn’t work.
Sure you would want to see me,
just live with them.
The alligator’s here.

Look in yourself and see.
They’re putting conversation.
Fine, I love you.
Where is the bear here?
Do I carry it or your parents?
You’ve never been afraid of me.
Why suddenly you are now?
Because my parents beat me.
And so you trust them and love them
and want them to keep you away from me?

This is a hardback.
I’ve heard it so many times,
their love,
but they hurt me with it,
make me do things
against my will,
treat me like a baby,
don’t give me my own voice
and expect me to hate you.
Can you see you’re brainwashed?
I didn’t understand.
I thought this was me.
Can you forgive me?

That’s the battle line.
That’s how you open the child.
That’s what’s wrong with it:
I don’t wanna see that man ever again;
I don’t wanna go to his house;
tell ‘im to leave me alone.
Techniques of brainwashing,
do they fit in your country?
I’m a military model.
Can’t you see it?

Now let’s war this warrior,
the psychiatry,
in cases of abuse
and in parental alienation,
a bonafied system of abuse.
We can hold hands together
and look at the primitiveness of man,
and we can intervene.

What keeps you from doing that?
Nithish does not ride your conscience,
and I am not his good dad?
Please spend some time with us.
Years on this blog,
and here’s his YouTube channel
and my Twitter.
Can you see us?
Please try.
We’re open today.
Spend some time.

A cavalry lesson
on top of a blind.
Where do we put Green Berets?
Next to their boy.
It wasn’t closed season on yah daddy.
I carried you inside.
I just couldn’t let them know that.
You know what they’re capable of.
So I bid my time,
went out playin’ like a kid,
all smiles and screams and shouts,
and waited for you again.
You didn’t believe me,
and I heard that you cried and cried.

They wouldn’t let me near yah,
guarded me all the time,
and I couldn’t even tell you I loved you.
That hurt so much,
but I just couldn’t show it,
and I would hear them talk about you
like you were a pail of garbage,
over and over again,
and I couldn’t even rise to your defense.
I just had to take it,
and I couldn’t believe it
that I was acting this way,
and I just wanted to slap myself,
but what could I do?

My heart was broken too,
and nobody saw it,
or they would look away.
They’re all waiting for the day
I would forget about you.
I could see it in their faces.
Does he still hold him inside?
But how could I kill you?
You’d been there all my life
my daddy, my best friend,
and just please believe
we’ll see each other again.

Raise your hand if you feel for the child.
Do you have any idea what this does to them?
I heard he couldn’t see me,
for one second,
because he might change his mind.
Change his mind to what?
This was total control,
and I knew it caused him harm,
and so I’m speaking to you today
to show you this,
because in the eyes of the law I’m a no man,
and I can only fall at the feet of your humanity
and ask you to help us.
What else can I say?

Pulled him inside of her,
that’s what you did,
and that’s the worst a mother could do.
He didn’t love you that way,
and you scared him.
Now what’s that boy to do now?
You’ve got ‘im by the balls,
and he’s just now growing little hairs down there
becoming a man,
and you’re treating him like a five-year-old
so you can eat his sweetness.

I don’t understand your kind.
You have no concern for your child.
It’s all about you,
and you are his mother,
and you have that right,
and nobody examines it
in all of humanity.
We just love mothers,
and that’s the sacred right.
You’re gonna listen to me.
I have to get the military,
but you’re gonna listen.

That boy’s not all yours,
nor your husband’s,
who’s a weekend dad.
That boy’s also mine,
and he belongs with me too,
and I carry his life,
and you know that.
He wants to be cosmopolitan.
He wants to be strong.
He wants to see the world,
He wants to help humanity.
He wants to stand up for the rights of children.
He wants to make a difference with his life.
He wants to be young and old and free,
but most of all,
he wants to be himself,
and you don’t let him do that.
It’s all about his brothers, his family, and you.
You squash his identity
and replace it with you made,
and all of India
suffers from this.

And I’m here in India
a foreign man
raisin’ a Tamil boy.
You can eat your red flag,
public peoples,
I’m the man hold this child.
Now let’s keep it
safe from harm,
a beautiful relationship
that has so much to show humanity
about inner connections and lost time.
Don’t neglect us.
Hold us dear.
We carry the future in our hands,
and we’re there now.

Fell in love with his humanity.
Didn’t I love you a second ago?
I’m on that train too,
but you’re my special dad,
and I’m in the inner consciousness
talking to you,
and nobody’s gonna believe it
until it comes outside.
I need to be asked some questions,
about this man,
who he is to me,
and what my parents did
after they took him from me,
and you needed to see it,
the inner connection.

You haven’t gone this deep before
in social consciousness.
You’ve seen icebergs,
not their mains.
My daddy can read my mind.
Will you just please ask me some questions?
My mother won’t let anybody near me
that might do that
out from under her control.
I’ve been waitin’ for yah for a long time,
two months,
and do know how much I’ve grown since then?
Please, ask me.

He wants to see you,
You placed your will in his hands.
How do you say it I am the audio of the child?
The fire of the Gods
entered my heart
to write to you Nithish safe.
I will show you visions of him there,
and that’s awakening.
We need to achieve?
This is overjoyed.
He’ll be overjoyed to see you again. (vision of a photo of him in his sports uniform and running on the road we used to walk the dogs on, his head turned to the side, his face in an exaggerated expression of delight looking at me and grinning widely)
That’s the fire Nithish.