The Hat’s on Lisa

unless otherwise noted, photos by Donny, black and white photos developed by him
When you have sad news,
that murder with Lisa,
a parenting
did not handle it right.
How do I make amends?
You give her what she wants,
the tall part of the story.
She is the sacrifice of the story.
She is your dog.
What does Lisa’s death day mean?
It’s the ascension of dog.
She is taking on her human,
and with consciousness pain she does that,
birthing into another world.
We greet her there.
This has gone on for some time.
You need to meet,
and she forgives you and moves on.
Will she be there when I die?
This is not just some free-for-all.
It’s consciousness arranged.
That will be your other side guide dog,
and she will accompany you in death.
Don’t worry she’s your angel.

Three years ago today, on June 3, the day before my 60th birthday, my beloved Lisa Joy Rottweiler died in my bed surrounded by everybody in our house. Dr. JP was our vet, had been for some years, had been to our house many times, but it was during lockdown, and he was shifting to a new location for his clinic, and he neglected Lisa and misdiagnosed her condition and gave her tablets that caused kidney failure, and he knew she had kidney disease. We took her to an expensive dog hospital in Chennai, and they made a bad decision to have her undergo dialysis when she was septic inside. I had to take her across town to the government vet hospital, and they wanted to admit her but told me I could not stay with her, and so I asked that, if I took her home and got her the treatments she needed, would she live, and he said yes. She died that night.

She did not pass rightly but got trapped in some dark place in-between life and death. I was going into lucid dream and calling her, did that several times, but she would not come to me so that I could help her rise out of there. I learned to my horror that she thought I’d killed her, as I’d unknowingly given her the tablets that made her kidneys fail, and I made that bad decision in Chennai, because of wanting the pleasure of spending my birthday with my boy, Nithish, who was back home in Pondicherry.

She was so present at our house after her death, but it was Nithish that saw her in dream the most. I had visions of her all day long, but she would not let me pet her or hold her big, beautiful head in my hands. She would just look at me with such sadness and the look you give someone when they’ve utterly betrayed you. She began changing forms, as soon after death we do that, and our bodies do not stay as we know them. She became very deformed. Demons came to claim her, as she was on the outskirts of hell. She fought them off and somehow managed to find a place there so she could always see me. Despite thinking that I’d killed her, I was still the love of her life, and she did not want to leave me. It was horrible, heartbreaking situation.

From the moment she died, I was in heavy grief, similar to that I’ve felt with Nithish being taken from me, and it’s as though he is dead because I can’t see him or talk to him. I gave her my tears, a lot or tears, but it didn’t show her I didn’t kill her. To this day, three years later, it’s still unresolved, and I am still in grief over her.

Photo by Nithish

On the first anniversary of her death Nithish met her in a movie theater in a dream. She was the only one in the theater, and Nithish came in, saw her seated about in the middle of the theater, and he went and sat next to her. Then on the screen began to show images of Lisa with Nithish and me in her life with us. Then she looked at him very lovingly, very sadly, and the dream ended.

The extraordinary thing about Lisa is she is to be human in her next life and was a dog with almost human eyes and feelings. I believe that dogs and cats are with us, why we brought them into our fire circle so long ago, to be the species that is the jumping off place to the human being in the evolution of the soul. Lisa is now in the afterlife on the way to being a human being in her next life, a dog developed to the upmost a dog can be developed in terms of consciousness and proximity to human, and she has managed to find a niche there so to continue to see me and present herself to me so to resolve her death, but it’s a heaven place she’s at; she’s no longer in darkness. This in itself is incredible for a dog to do, but now she’s reaching out on her death day to tell me what she wants, and I’m giving it to her, Lisa my dog, above any other dog I have. She sacrificed her life so Nithish and I can be together again, so our relationship continues, and she’s at the top of the story.

photo by Kamesh

Death’s Star

photo by the author
You want to recognize you’re there dead.
You can’t take a worldview.
You’re not operating in that anymore.
You’ve just died.
This is serious business.
It’s a wake-up call
on the other side.
The enormity of the shock
takes your breath away.
You’re just stunned,
not knowing what to do.

Where is Jesus?
Where’s the stars?
No religion has showed up yet.
You’re on your own,
It hurts.
It’s just simply awful.
You can’t stand it.
You don’t want to be there.
You don’t know how to be there.
There’s no instruction manual.
You’re dead.

But life has just begun,
the dead life on the other side.
You cry out for help.
Someone hears you.
Are they the right one?
You don’t know how to do it,
receive them.
You’re just so confused.
You open the door to faith.
What you believed in on Earth
has not abandoned you,
and if you didn’t believe in anything,
it comes now.

It’s tall and strange.
This is not what you expected.
It receives you
one moment/limit at a time.
[above words heard spoken simultaneously]
You are not automatically taken in.
You’re put up with.
You’re just a person there to process.
The compassion of the angels
shows in fits and starts.
You’re a long ways off
from being received
on their condition.
You’ve got to glow first.

Bad times ahead,
as you encounter
what tripped you up
on Earth,
what got your goat,
what you couldn’t handle,
what you refused to see,
what you licked and swooned over,
what you didn’t know hurt you.
You are put in these situations
where you encounter dream.
There is no home base anymore,
no central mode,
but you come back to yourself over and over.
That’s your central lair:
you are this being in time.

It runs roughshod over you
you have to dream on.
You don’t like it.
It sucks.
Slowly you get your feet under yah.
You get used to the rhythm
of see-saw death.
You climb.
You step up.
You receive them,
all these packages
of people you knew in life
that you made a storybook with.
Some of these are reunions.
You hold their hand.
Some of these are joy-shock.
You cling to each other.
What we wanted on Earth
we get here.

You’re in union.
It lasts the length of a cup,
and you’ve been given a solid measure,
and you are ready to depart
for other perfection.
You see people there
you hated in life
or you did under.
You do not enjoy this section.
It’s compensation.
You give them what they need,
and you move on.

This is fair and certain:
you have your encounters,
and they show you life
as oneness sees it.
You can reject no one,
and all morality’s based on this.
It is oneness we spring from
and what we manage
We are here to be one.
A deeper look arises from our journey.
We go the distance
to a greater life.
A quest of the Spirit pulls on us,
and we let it take us in its arms.
We are higher now,
lighter in spirit.
We are so together now,
and we’re ready for more.

I’ve taken you there,
right to realization’s wings,
when you become a ship on the other side
sailing into God’s heaven.
You’re right there at Heaven’s gates,
the heaven of your pearl,
the one you sing about
to encounter God.
You are not all together
a central ship.
Many heavens receive you,
and many positions of Heaven there are.

Now let’s get goin’
towards the realization of life.
You can open those doors here
and redirect your life,
and when you enter death,
you are in kingdom.
It’s not about dyin’.
It’s about being prepared to grow up.
We do that here.
We do that there.
Here counts
more than there.
Here is the rollercoaster
of the fly-room.

These are conscious gates you see.
Open up your life here,
on this growth,
and life will line up to receive you
in all of the quests you need.
Uncanny this,
strong and large.
You’re in good hands
on this journey
to your being’s growth.
I’m countin’ it to yah
precisely in measure
with my life under the sun.
I’m a conscious arrangement,
and I poetry this to you now.
Bombs away.
Thank God it’s Friday.
Thank God I’m not in your way.

Death’s a cookbook
I jargon.
I have a bunch of history books
repair life.
You want to read them now.
Come on let’s go to field.
I’m a happy bottom death.
I’m a joy to the world.
Just listen to me sing.
I planet with Mr. Rogers,
still have his medicine:
I really love
bonding agent
to the poems I write to you.
Take me.

You wanna watch that video or not?
It’s limited stairs,
but I’ve baked you at hide and seek,
and it’s all gone wrong.
There is no leeway here.
You just wanna get to where you’re goin’,
without all the rough stuff.
You don’t wanna lollygag.
There’s Hell’s kitchen
that will not move away from you,
if you don’t come to.
Where am I?
Oh shit you got it.
I’ve read your paperwork on that.
It’s my own.
We have been through these stages so many times.
It’s a revolvin’ door.
Just listen.

on your spot,
you have to be careful.
You haven’t learned my draft yet.
I’ve really gotten shadows.
Van Helsing,
here is monster’s lair,
where you find them.
Don’t scream yet.
They haven’t caught you.
Don’t realize your time,
they will.
Now I’ve put all the poise in,
and this poem is right here with the market.
How would you find after death?

Dally there
coverin’ up our pickup spots.
It’s the issue save a Lord.
This a mode to deliver God.
How does the call center get such a hideous head?
Can you hear it’s divine element?
Put it in your pipe and smoke it.
That’s how we race cars.
We local His feet put on,
and divine reason we format His being,
without that hunch.
I don’t say black I say white.
That’s not a dirty gun.
That’s not a slave our gun.
I get to know You.
I know you do.
Now be quiet.
Are You mad at me?
Put 10 extra effort,
add rifle
to your calling card.
It’s now clear.
Ah, open your eyes.
You’re a divine endeavor.

And that’s what we die for.
I mean God put us on to be human.
I haven’t listened to His music,
I haven’t listened to His song,
I have to keep dying to put it on,
and that’s the guitar,
the way we become divine.
This is street music.
That’s what blesses us everyone.
My God I’m arch-pink,
and I’ve got subscriptions.

Each thing we revolve around God.
This is a vehicle of thought.
Wow, we’re in the ways with man.
There might be the thought in there you wouldn’t even know exact,
but it already fits the handle
I have my hands on God.
We want to broadcast that
to where our being lives in time.
We are on the way to Godhood,
who we are in time.
Bust out usually for lunch,
on the wrong and us wanting to survive.
We meet that with heroes.
We do not let God down.
That’s our humanity.
I will pick it up
one role at a time
and deliver it from evil,
God behind the dust.

Death is not an entrapment.
We get up by it and fly.
We glory it all over us.
The 18 store is closed,
and we reveal something else.
Can we run?
We no longer die,
just our bodies
after a long field put on.
We manifest
the nature of God,
right here on Earth,
and we have conquered death
and overcome pain,
and that’s where we want to go with this.
There is no such thing
as a void of that,
and if I fall short,
this will be tied together
with real humanism,
with my humanity,
and I will overcome this obstacle in me and in man.

In fact,
put in the right notebook
and send it out to the world.
Principle the opportunity.
Praise the window.
It’s still goes into Mind,
whether we read it or not
on this post.
It’s how we survive the culls
on thought.
It’s how we survive.
I’m a limit-book on that.
I go beyond the limits.

Thank you for coming you’re across the road,
where death is not so bright.
We are not in its envelope.
It is not our keeper.
It’s a son of a bitch.
Between love and your loved one
there is death.
I am sorry this be.
We can do nothing about it but die.
If death were a person I’d shoot him,
gouge his eyes out,
but let’s be reasonable about this:
the acceptance of death is the acceptance of pain.
Death alludes us,
will not let us explain reality
in terms of trust and love.

Alright it’s there.
So be it.
Here’s some advice a gravedigger would give you,
puttin’ your body to the worms.
Bardo, I don’t know,
it is a spiritual test,
and we grapple with it
till kingdom come.
That’s the starlight.
I’ve spoken death,
wonderful news,
that we survive its existence.
Anybody hungry for oblivion?
See you on the other side.

You climb out of sleep into death,
and that wakes you up,
thank God.
Get out of the water,
and be calm and clear-eyed towards death.
It’s a menacing stair,
so necessary to our birth.
Taxman that’s true,
but there is so much hope in this commercial.

We don’t even know what I did.
I’ve raised the sky,
took the furious route.
I’ve given you diamonds,
and I am loathsome to you,
a real life pedophile,
giving you knowledge in your sleep.
What does woke mean?
Join us, will yah,
in the knowledge that you are one with and wanting to relate to
anybody that can be related to,
the mechanic’s store,
to where we get enlightened,
not a thought process a change of consciousness,
a complete reversal as a matter of fact,
and we see ahead of us divinity.

Put that in your woke starter and smoke it.
That’s the system of wokeness.
The miracle of other people,
do you feel it?
It stings sometimes.
Take out your woke lists
and pick me up.
I’ve got a special offer
for the people of the entire world.
Kinda gets in your guns, doesn’t it.

We Live in Borg

Photo by Donny
The bio I sent you at the end of Chapter 3,
that’s Neale Donald Walsch
you think so,
and not even Donald Walsch thinks so.
This product is will,
and I've seen what I'm talking about.
I speak of spiritual experience.
When I say
the other states of consciousness,
I've worn them.
This is poetry central.
This came from the heart,
a poet’s withstand silence.

Come off the planet
I taste good.
Revel in speech.
Pull the nightshades down
and amplify the Word.

This is good music,
on top of its bar.
No one knows where it came from.
It’s a divine hearing speech.
It’s got candy-grass in it
and real diamonds.
It’s an incredible blast of good.
It’s sits in the sunlight and sings.

We know it handles.
We know it’s good for us.
Let’s not stand and break this.
Let’s give it our particular attention
and put it in the wind so it can circulate.
It’s divine word speak,
and it comes crashing down on your consciousness
like a message from Heaven.
God is good, you know?

Let’s see what else she floats.
30 doctors took something else.
There is no separate people no more.
Do not sit conversion therapy.
We drink this.
I can’t tell you it’s real.
Where is the confusion
you want to convert?
You want to convert them to Christianity.

Is that a life choice?
Is that real?
The language of G.I.
hairdresses these guys.
It is a power and a snake.
It is not a bridge to forever.
It will not land you in paradise.
It has mountains that you cannot cross.
It doesn’t hold your hand.
It wants you only to obey.
How good is that?

Can we fit Jesus here?
He would not be allowed in church.
He would be asked to leave.
He would not celebrate Mass.
He would not live by the letter of the Law.
He would be too open and honest for people to use.
He would be seen with the wrong sort of people.
He would be colorblind.
He would be around children.
He would rock the boat.
He would love even the sinner.

Jesus would shelter a pedophile,
give comfort to an axe murderer,
would not give up on them,
would stay on their side
all the way to change.

Where do you go with Christianity?
To the hatred of the day.
It’s not a religion
that brings you to God’s love.
It’s a belief system
that ends up in hell.
It creates a God
that will upend creation
and put the overwhelming majority of its people,
the men and women He has created,
to be put in the worst pain imaginable
without end.

Now we look at God.
Who would do that to his children?
What kind of monster are we talking about?
There is no greater monster.
There is no greater pain
than this monster gives.
What a snake in the hands of love.
What a Jesus pile.
And you want to worship this?
This will right the world?
This will make us clean?

Now tell me again why God loves us.
Because we spooked a formula in God’s name
and put Jesus at the center of it,
and if we don’t do this we die
that horrible death
that kills us forever?
For God so loved the world
He put everybody in hell
except some chosen few.
Do you really believe that?
Do you want to?
That’s salvation?

Conceptualize God’s love.
Would that break the fence?
Incredible on land,
it would hate nobody.
What’s wrong with you you can’t see that?
Ah, a God of punishment has got you there,
of eternal hellfire.
You’re not safe with Him.
Can we see that has structured society?
Do you know what that does to your psyche?
It’s the bottom line of God
in so many religions’ think,
and we put society together accordingly.
That’s impossible.
That’s inhuman.
That’s why we’re there,
where the world sinks
in inhumanity.
Now God is love see.
You love God see.

The Gay and Lesbian Switchboard,
that’s the callers sayin’
good idea
let’s remodel Christianity
it doesn’t hate anyone;
it showers love on people;
morality is not eternal damnation.

Let’s sing together
the way God loves us:
without reservation;
there is no judgment involved,
and there is no punishment involved.

This will happen:
a lot of non-Christians,
and you would say their hate speech
is what got them in trouble.

You don’t know what’s comin’:
America the Christian police state.
Nobody knows it’s comin’.
It will be disguised until it’s there.
This is the tyranny of the majority,
and it will rely on Christianity
to put its proper in place.

I’d like to tackle this by the horns.
I’d like to show it to you.
I can’t even get out of my blog.
I can’t get past the liberal thinker.
They’re not liberal when it comes to me.
Here they meet the conservative
as bloody partners.
And that will become
the American police state.

You don’t know what I offer you.
You don’t know what I’m sayin’.
I’m all over this page
so we keep from blowing us up.
I’m tryin’ to tell you to stop
hatred before it’s too late,
and you think this is counterculture?
It’s how we survive.

You was the right wing country
Soldier of the Year.
Consider parts and machines too.
I don’t have a legitimate taste.
Where is the movie shop?
Maybe I missed it.

Look on there.
Somebody has called the pedophile the wrong name.
They think he’s out to get them.
He’s tryin’ to pick up the pieces
of our scattered and dying love,
what in the 60s we celebrated.
How do we do that,
find this love again?
Where do we begin?
Put me in a public venue and I’ll show you.
Now, how hard is that?

Well I did bring in the schedule.
The one who was looking at me,
did you think I was just gonna go away?
Goddamn I’m
definitely on campus.

I had another eyesight.
I had a vision
that was clear as day
of the stars.
on earth
can’t play that melody.
No religion matches it.
Until we see this we’re lost in the sky.
become for us
the substance of religion.
We are too blind to see that.
Even our prophets miss.

Now turn around
and find God your own way.
Find God on the ground
where your life meets the Earth.
Find God in the substance of your stuff,
so God can change you there.
Now my very dear friend,
find God everywhere.
It’s the true Gospel
we live in God.

We live there very deep.
We are His kingdom,
and we are naked with Him in castle keep.
It feels good doesn’t it?
It feels wonderful
the genesis,
the love everlasting.

You’re not gonna see it
if you’re religious on this Earth.
Hello spirituality—
that’s the only way in.
Religion is books.
Spirituality is the hands on
the inner fire.
How many rites and rituals do you need
to find God?
They don’t work.
Just find God.

The encounter with God,
I want to eat that food—
this is the gay man over shadows and walls,
the one you sexualize
with your creation of him.
There is where we first start to see.

It was a clear Autumn night,
but we met with humanity’s problems.
We struggled to get there.
Fate lend a hand.
We are destinies of fate.
I soliloquy this to humanity.
It was a bright future watch out.
A pegasus steals the show,
one we cannot remember nor trust.
Alright who’s listenin’?

I have an access global official.
It’s time for me to run.
I’m beatin’ feet to the target.
All you letters of the Law,
you cram yourselves.
Will that open you up?
I’m sorry gently mean.
Will you please get your head straight?
We have a world to run.
We need to get business early.
We don’t want to become Mars, you know?
We don’t want to do that.
I want my MTV. [line heard sung, by Dire Straits, song, “Money For Nothing”]
Will you just dangle this hero
on camera news?
You don’t know what nuclear holocaust does to a planetary man.
There, I’ve said it,
my purpose in life.
I’m here to avoid that.
You get me Roger?
Ajax address these issues,
but Ajax also reflects personal choices.
Grand Central Station was a customize.
Yah heard me.
It would be Tangle
Newsletter gentleman.
Basically that’s it.