Are You Fear Comfortable with Me?

photo by the author
So you can go and tell on them.
That was Nithish’s muse.
He has purpose.
He has charm.
He has the call to action.
We’re gonna get this story read to the public.
What did they expect?
He had come so far.
They brainwashed him in the family.
He didn’t give them what they want:
to renounce me over the phone
in a controlled conversation.

I was emotionally distraught,
and it came across on the phone,
and then I calmed down
and talked to my baby dog.
He heard me.
I could hear his mother in the background
telling him what to say.
I mentioned everything I could think of
to get him to hear me.
We actually had a conversation.
I was able to tell him things his mother cut the phone.
They called back,
and the mother tried again.
I’m with them now
the boy said.
Do you want to see me
I asked.
He had already answered yes to that question
in the conversation ago.
No answer,
I asked again.
Yes he said.
I will move Heaven and Earth to see you again
I told the boy.

Do you love me more than anything in the world,
or was that a lie?
I wasn’t lying.
Do you want me to go back to America?
the boy replied.
Well I’ll do a hunger strike,
and I’m prepared to die.
The boy heard every word I said.
Hello again, I’m sorry baby dog,
I cannot live without you,
and I love you more than anything in the world.
Ask to see me.
Do not stop.
But they will not hear me.
Ask anyway,
and the divine will help.

The mother cut the phone again,
as I explained their brainwashing technique,
and then I talked to her.
He doesn’t want to see you
she said.
But you heard him say he did.
Leave it, leave it.
No woman I won’t.
I am not afraid to die,
and I will lay down my life for him.
On that she cut the phone.

Well here, here,
let’s have a toast
to her inability to brainwash him.
He was supposed to renounce me.
He did not.
Even in front of his mother
he admitted he loved me very much
and wanted to see me.
She had failed
in killing his love for me.
Now how’s that for an answer
to their control of him?
They don’t have it.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Love will find a way.

Thank you woman.
You are so very dumb
letting us speak like that,
and you know we love each other.
You really think the boy’s gonna lie for you?
He did not, did he?
And you are tellin’ him what to say.
I say again.
You did not control this boy
when it came down to it,
the very thing you’ve been punishing him for,
he loves his daddy
and wants to see him,
and all the restrictions that you’ve put on ‘im,
all the surveillance you’ve had him under,
all the control you’ve done to him,
telling him what to think,
how to act,
and how he should feel,
day and night on that boy,
has not worked, has it?
I’m still there
in that boy’s heart,
in that boy’s mind,
a living presence.
The power of love,
do you believe in it now?

Now we go from there.
I have his base.
I have his will,
and I will stop at nothing
to see him again.
That mother has messed up.
She gave us the very thing
we needed from each other:
validation of our love.
She has no idea what’s she’s doing
in keeping him from me.
It’s against his will.
It’s against his plan.
It’s against his life’s purpose.
It hurts this boy so.

So what do we do with that?
Hello Pondy do you recognize me?
I am a public speaker.
I want to show you child abuse
where the parents get away with it
because no one will listen to the foreign man.
You think that’s right?
Well here let me show you how I do things,
in video after video,
and can I show you this story?
Follow my Facebook page.
Now who’s listenin’
I ask the interviewer.
Will you help this boy
become himself again,
step out of systems of abuse
and let his daddy heal him?

Okay Pondicherry we put you to the test.
It’s a public ride.
Do you care about this boy?
Why have the parents taken all his rights?
Do they have the right to abuse him?
Do I have no rights as a parent?
And I have been raising him for years.
Wait ‘till you hear why they took ‘im,
on impulse,
for a bad story they did,
and I called them on it.
It’s all on Facebook.
Just look and see
Donny Lee Duke.

Now we’re goin’ somewhere.
He listens to me,
and we are there:
we get to see each other again.
We get to be together,
and we can heal wounds.
Thank you Pondicherry.
I know you care about children,
and I didn’t even have to hunger strike.
I just got interviewed by a member of the press,
and we took this story wide.
Now that’s business.
That’s coffee,
and that’s how you shame two parents
who have been evil to their child.
You give them a public face,
and suddenly the sex video they made of their child
doesn’t look for fun anymore.
It looks awfully deep,
their betrayal of their children
in their parenting room.
Do you hear me Pondicherry?
You will.

This is the sudden story
that shows you how to raise children,
and that’s not with a bat with a glove.
They get the best treatment
because they are our future,
and they do not live for us.
They live to be themselves
in the future God has put them on Earth for,
their soul’s purpose in time.
That Pondicherry
is why we raise children,
to bring a better Earth
to the love that they’ve found God,
atheists included
in this survey.
We just go the highest we can go
in bringing a human being to the heights of humanity.
That’s that little child you know,
and here, here,
we let them grow.
Any objections?
I thought not.

Well let’s go.
This little boy needs your help,
and we are waiting.
Thank you God.
Thank you world.
I knew I could count on you,
and it’s over.
We raise the world that way.
That’s how you do it.
I agree with that.
We put the night we lie in
in that abuse.
Do they play with his toy?
No it’s not pumped.
It’s not his genitals they play with.
They play with his mind.
I’ll never go over here
to sleep,
where I’m soft and warm and comfortable
at daddy’s house.’

He lies there awake at night
wondering at the enormity of his loss,
and the hope and the despair
rob his mind of sleep.
There they abuse him
in the night’s deep.
If you listen really closely
you can hear him cry
Oh God why have you done this to me?
I thought I was your child.
And his faith is gone,
and the night’s this huge monster
that gives him nightmares.
Great the feelings play
along being’s edge
to make him want to die.
Do you hear this Pondicherry?
Listen closely.
This boy needs our help.
Will you just let him lie?

What do you do with that?
Let’s go in the kitchen and think some,
drink some coffee.
You know that is a velacara man.
Do you do this to our own kind,
let a foreigner raise the alarm?
That’s the real question here,
isn’t it?
The abuse is secondary.
Whether it’s Hindi kidnappers
or a velacara man,
you will not blame yourselves for your own stolenings.
You need the world to change.
Alright Pondicherry,
let this boy and this man be together,
who for years been under your wings?
They belong there.
You’ve seen them so much
on your streets,
in your shops
and in your downtown,
and look at them there on the beach.
They’ve been in your heart Pondicherry
ever so long.
Just ask the guidebook,
all your surveillance cameras.
They’re nice together,
aren’t they?
For years.

This is cross country skiing,
and you go to Pondicherry.
An ape has his hand,
his mother on the phone.
Can we tell you the guidebook?
Bilbo Baggins,
I just wanna see ‘im. (vision of him sleeping)
I’ll walk to the landing.
Where were you again Patricia,
The boy has not stayed with you
in his first awakening.
He will come back to you soon.
I gave him a story,
but not in his department.
I met him online.
Hobbits are peace lovin’ folks you know [line heard sung]
I have the quarter to knock this out in him,
his return to brainwash,
and that’s America.
There’s a picture.
Now come on,
what have we here?
That’s a beautiful rose.
We’re goin’ in a cop shop,
and that’s gonna interrupt everybody.
It arms to daddy’s house.

I’m pretty sure your mother’s lying to you
about the presentation of that video.
Watch the video.
She’ll let me do it
at the capitol,
where we met yesterday.
What pad you had no idea.
Ah, that close
to my home in Kuruchikuppam.
Three more packages.
That will change everything:
you see each other again,
and the video
starts making updates.
You see that boy again.
You’re standin’ tall.
You’re standin’ fast.