Drainin’ the Steel

photo by Douglas
He just wants the people he love to be fair to. (vision of Nithish standing in the forest at a microphone stand and speaking into the mic)
Life is a very changed little boy.
He’s not gonna control.
Will see everything
eight thousand,
which means he doesn’t see it as himself.

You gotta take the phone out of his hands
and let him listen to you.
You got a therapy.
You can help it.
In the interest of therapy
you will go.
Okay then,
a PowerPoint presentation,
you spend the night with me in the phone.

He had just been through a hard time
for any conversation at all with him.
I let him
throw the other people in jail.
A file said that.
Boy’s not gonna go crazy
and do anything rough to his daddy.

Just bury your head and see
now’s not a good time.
I vintage.
We’re tired.
It’s been my dream
to have a mountain visit with daddy.
I can’t get up.

They don’t go.
They don’t leave him out.
They guard him all the time.
It’s impossible to see him
wherever they visit.
I can’t hear a car.

Did you make yourself useful?
Not yet.
See you soon
Goin’ to Kuru you’re not fondu, over?
I don’t think so.
I stay away from that plan.

Why is the son
not supporting seeing me?
What is that? (two visions of ugly, insane pictures of some horrible place)
my mother makes me imagine,
my mother messages me.
There is a want to see you
gotten in.

Could not believe it,
we are right where we see each other weird,
but I belong
to him.
In a child’s mind three and a half months is a long time
not bein’ with his daddy.
He forgets the report.
He forgets the love and attention.

Christ look ahead.
Don’t overlook your eves.
Does it take all day?
I’m with you so much
right now,
watch your glow.
(vision of Ramya, a young woman I’m a daddy to. She’s looking at me and smiling)
You give everybody kindness.
Give me your love and support.

On Monday the child never woke back.
Come here.
I told him
tomorrow’s thinking about that
does not measure our true love.
Have a good day.
I love you.

Go into the Earth tower,
I have to maintain.
I cannot see Nithish and that kills me.
I watch his moods change from day to day.
I’m inside his consciousness you see.
He toys with me like a rabbit
and then just puts me down and forgets about me for a while.

We achieved union together,
and this is the price I pay for it.
A child does not know your worth.
They only see themselves.
I can’t take this child anymore.
I carry his pain all day.
He just wants to be happy and forget about me.
I’m too much trouble for him right now.

What evil is this
a mother does to her child?
No one questions the mother’s insanity
to forbid any contact whatsoever,
when she herself will admit
I was good to the boy and did not abuse him.

This is killing his character,
but this is India,
and we don’t protect our children,
and we do not know the damage the heart can do
to a child that’s been made to kill his love
for one of his parents.
This boy will not be kind.

I can only sit here and watch it all
and cry.
I so want to help my boy.
I am with him every minute of every day,
and the sleepless nights
just tear me apart,
and it’s all I can do to maintain,
and I must maintain.

Do you consider me?
I’m a value in consciousness,
and the same you hear from me
I opened up in this boy,
but that has been killed too,
and no one seems to mind.

I love you Nithish,
and I will not give up on you,
and I understand your pain
and your need to be a boy.
I am a parent and I can take sacrifice.
I just wish you could see me
as I am
and not in the stench of gaslight
you mother has put you through.

It’s inevitable
that one day you will.
A demon can only hold the field for so long
before the divine forces prevail.
Do you see me Nithish?
I am here,
and I’m not going anywhere.


photo by his daddy
Let’s move forward Nithish.
It’s time to move forward Nithish.
The camera pushes in,
immediately replaces your silence with sound.
It seemed to have the heart glow of eternity.
Some price is right.
Making sense out of a horrible situation, okay?
I can be the whole thing now, forever.

Now I can’t be a boy. [line heard sung as though Nithish is singing it]

I can’t cover good for you
when he knows
you won’t say my name in proper.
You won’t say how you feel.

What do I need to save you?
I need you to call my name in public,
say how you really feel,
to whomever asks.
Be honest about it:
you want to live with your daddy;
you are not happy with your parents.

If you don’t do this you will die
to all of your dreams and aspirations,
to a happy childhood,
to being a teenager in America,
to being an adult who’s a poet,
who loves the world and protects children.
You will die to yourself Nithish.

Listen to me good.
I have more to say but that’s the main thing:
you must call my name now,
in front of your parents,
in front of Kuruchikuppam,
in front of the city of Pondicherry.

When a random stranger asks,
when your parents ask,
when anybody asks:
you love your daddy;
you want to live with him;
your parents have been very mean to you.

Go to type.
Type good news,
fast car,
your heart’s desire.
I need you to listen to me Nithish.
To mask truth
so people can rob you of your identity,
take from you who you are,
you’re destroying your own dreams;
you’re kissing the feet of those who abuse you;
you are not getting your heart’s desire;
you are getting nightmares.

Don’t worry.
I am here.
Let me help you,
but you need to also help yourself.
You are not helpless.
You are not a baby.
You are scared to death.

Do you know how many social workers
are watching what’s happening to you right now?
You have an audience of concerned people,
and your mother knows that.
If they try to put you into a boy’s hostel,
if you even get beat again,
they will stop all that,
but you need to speak up so they can.

They are going by what your mother tells them
and everyone else:
you are happy with her;
you do not want to see me;
you are perfectly normal now.

This is Nithish,
not who my mother says I am.
Call my name.
Call your own name,
else you will not come out of this water,
and you cannot be a boy.

They are going by what your mother tells them
and everyone else:
you are happy with her;
you do not want to see me;
you are perfectly normal now.

This is Nithish,
not who my mother says I am.
Call my name.
Call your own name,
else you will not come out of this water,
and you cannot be a boy.

How many thousands of books have failed,
books to help humanity,
and they never made to public eyes?
Do you want yours to fail Nithish?
You have to be the hero your dreams show you are.
You have to vanquish the demons
like you say you do in your poetry.
You have to stand up for yourself.
You have to stand up for every kid in the world.

That’s what’s going on:
you have to be the poet of a sunrise,
that sunrise a better humanity with our children.

Nithish’s Poem to His Father

photos by the author
Father I can’t take this pain any longer.
It’s an illness to slam you.
I am not responsible at this,
but I know what I’m talking about.
Open mind comes with smartness.
With an open heart comes the father.
It has shaken my whole world,
changed my eyes.
My path is on a unicorn,
a big one.

I look out my widow every day
and ask for freedom
from this barrier.
It’s a block.
You just got to take another way.
You can’t go through it can you?
What if my path is highlighted from the others?
I have my own dreams to chase.

I just found this poem in my carry bag two days ago. I had forgotten about it. Nithish gave it to me some days before he was taken from my home on March 12th. He had been telling me he wanted his muse to give him another poem to his father to explain why he wanted me to tell his parents about him telling me his father had been masturbating his little brothers, and why he gave me the video his mother had made of his little brother Mithrin masturbating. He wanted me to tell his parents these things so that they did not put him to one day a week with me. At that moment, he was living with me during the weekdays and with his parents on the weekends. He wanted to continue to live with me and only visit his parents. We had hoped that would wake his parents up to the difference between my parenting and theirs. It did the very opposite; they took him and showed just how bad parents can be.

He wrote this poem while at school from spiritual vision, meaning that he heard each line spoken into his inner ear, and he copied it down. He does not record the lines like a poem, just writes them down, as he is dyslexic and has a lot of trouble writing. If you have read his other poems posted here, you can see he has developed more as a poet and a writer, and you can hear his feelings and thoughts spoken very clearly, what he wants his father to know, but the poem never got to his father. He was taken just a few days after he wrote it.

It was his father that he was worried about, was not concerned with explaining things to his mother, he told me, because she was the one he blamed for everything. He had written a previous poem to his father months before, before we had decided to take any kind of action to make it so he continued to live with me and visit his parents. “It’s not beef; it’s nature,” he tells his father in the poem, meaning it’s not because of any fight or conflict but, because of his nature, he needs to be more with me. Here is a link to that poem, which we made into a video and put on his YouTube channel, which he is not now allowed to see: https://youtu.be/5EJbAFsCTQo?si=YIJCxrO4QoZ3tU2H

At the moment he wrote this poem, things were not so bad with his parents, or not unusually so, not like now, where he’s being beaten and threatened to be put in a boy’s home regularly, for continuing to love me and want to see me. This poem, like the others I found in his room and posted here, is also prevision of the terrible thing that’s about to happen to him, but here, it’s just days away.

Today’s the Right Moment Nithish Discover Himself

photos by the author

A poem by S. Nithish

Ha ha ha! I have ran to the divine false—
call me a poet after 18+.
I have time to die.

I call myself the poet for my life through the end.
I am what do you call me,
what the godfather?
Oh no, that’s not me.
My character is at the lake, aka the divine.

I have asked the god to stay.
My life is always sour-like.

My mind turn the lights for my room,
draw the lights for my room.
I am going to wait for you through the light.


was taken from my home
and subsequently brainwashed.
I record that here,
the eye-opening of Nithish.
All you the pictures are aligned.

I will show his mother this,
a mother mentally unbalanced in the possession of her boy,
and all the abuse that has ensued
from her possession.
Find myself
giving him the blanket he deserves.
He will not look at me I know.

You’ve got,
the people that are helping me,
cosmic kitchen.
Show him
what he needs to see.
Show him himself in the mirror.

The first poem Nithish wrote months before he was taken from my home by his mother because I mentioned to her a video she had made of her youngest son doing a sex act. It is not just a prediction of the future, what will happen to him as a result of showing me that video and telling me its context, but it is himself talking to his future self so to overcome the brainwashing, gaslighting and abuse his parents have put him through because of betraying them to me in regard to that video and the sexual abuse of his little brothers by his father. He told me very private things about what was going on in the bedroom of his family when his father came home from Chennai on the weekends, and they have made him pay for that betrayal and for his love for me.

“The divine false” is his parents’ rule over him, him turning away from God and spirituality and putting his parents in that place. His mother has said he cannot see me again until he’s 18 or over, what “18 plus” means. When he speaks about “time to die,” he’s talking about not only the death of his former self, the real Nithish, but his thoughts of suicide, which he has had in all the trauma his parents have given him for loving me. He disputes that he has to wait until 18 to be a poet, what it means when he says he calls himself “the poet for life through the end,” and to understand the poem, you need to know that being a poet and me being his daddy, or really, his spiritual master, his inner poetry teacher, are intertwined. He’s also talking about not having to wait until 18 to see me again.

In spiritual vision I have seen that his father plans to have me killed and wants Nithish to approve of this, but Nithish has not told me this, but has called twice to tell me to go into hiding without explaining why, not recently though. His father has officially murdered four men in cold blood for his gang, a gang of Lawspet whose leader is a notorious man named Sironen. The gang now feigns to be disbanded, but it is not, and Sundar, his father, feigns to have left it, but he has not. That’s what he means by people calling him “the godfather.” and those people, the you referred to, are his parents. He is very familiar with American movies, and I don’t know if he has seen The Godfather, a movie about an Italian mafia family, but we have talked about that film together. He will not approve of this murder of me, because his “character is at the lake,” where we live, at Usteri Lake, how he refers to the location of our home, which for him is synonymous with the divine because it’s here he is coached in sadhana to realize the divine in his life.

The god he’s asking to stay is me, his spiritual master, and we are in a union of consciousness, on the level of soul, and if you don’t believe just read his poetry and mine, and I have the power to see inside of him, be there in his consciousness, and he can feel me there, and he’s asking me to stay, despite his outer self seeming to have forgotten about me, which the phone call I’ve described shows is not the case. He’s told me he can feel me inside when he was calling me in secret. It is a divine power, a power of consciousness, and you will only believe me when you question the child about it, but no one will question him, and no one’s allowed to.

Despite the special treatment he’s now getting from his parents, he still feels his life “sour-like.” He knows his mind is the key, as I’ve taught him that what he thinks he becomes, and here he’s trying to turn his mind to the light, and he ends by telling me, “I am going to wait for you through the light,” the light being all his poetry, and mine, that is trying to free him from the abuse and Nazi-like control his parents have over him.

The Spiritual Vision of Nithish

photos by the author

by S. Nithish

Today morning I saw a car.
Its name was sunny.
In my I saw sunny.
In my pen I saw sunny again.

And my friend,
he wrote something in a paper,
and he gave it to me.
In the paper it said sing, sing, think.

I saw a sun shine in my life.
One, it will happen again,
right happy I am.
I told you can I have my rights back?
My back I got my back I say,
and you say haha haha.

Are you the Joker?
No I am the divine power of the God.
Wanna see me fly?

Nithish is writing this poem to his future self, as he is in the video-poem “Edge of the Game”. The poem was written some months before he was taken from me, when his life was taken from him, his daddy, his dogs, his computer, his room, his home, and the lake, all in one swoop, and he was taken to live with his parents and given no rights, supervised constantly so as not to try and call or see me, controlled to the nth degree for the same reasons.

The sun that he is talking about is Supermind, and before he was taken, he was a serious student of Supermind. His parents have forbidden him spirituality and to follow Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The friend that he is talking about is me, and I’ve been writing on Facebook just what he says I’ve been writing so to get him to sing and think, as he’s been almost completely brainwashed by his parents by this time, two and a half months since he was taken. He does not want his rights taken from him, being made to feel like the Joker because they say he’s brought shame to the family, and here he is trying to wake up his future self so he doesn’t lose himself.

You might ask why won’t his parents even look at these things? Do you know they won’t let him read his own poetry? Just ask them to let him, and they will tell you they don’t want him to remember me and change his mind, someone that has been there since the day he was born, parenting him for half of his childhood, giving him years of memory he can’t completely erase, and their answer shows their intent, and it’s not for the needs of Nithish nor is in his best interests. It’s to take his memory of me and to get him to only love them, despite everything, simply to possess him. His mother told me over the phone she did not care about his needs; she wanted him, and he was hers.

Just this poem alone show strong evidence of prevision in the boy’s poetry, and there is much more, where he’s also talking to me from the past, giving me instructions for how to deal with the situation of him being taken by his parents and abused by them in the video-poem “Menu of the Gods”. Then there’s his song, “Big Time Song”, a general prevision about how it feels when they take him from his home, take his life from him, and the process of him coming to understand that, and how “date is in his life, working for his life,” the time that he returns home to the lake.

Yesterday I found a stack of poetry in his drawer in his room that he’d written while in school, and he’d shown the poetry to me when he’d written it, and I’d just filed it away, telling him the poetic quality wasn’t up to pare with the muse he was getting for his YouTube channel. Now I’m reading them, and I’m humbled and blown away by the fact that he wrote all this to his future self of some months hence, to himself now, to guide him to wake up from the brainwashing that’s being done to him by his parents to kill the poet in him and the spiritual seeker, the boy that wants to stand up for children everywhere and have some kind of neighborhood court, he told me, where children can challenge decisions their parents make concerning important things in their life. I must tell you now I’m not really his daddy; I’m his spiritual master, and that’s the secret relationship we’ve been having, what I tell him not to tell anybody, although I am not a master; I’m an adept, but you understand the relationship.

We need strong evidence of the soul and the divine active in humanity today, like more that at any other time in our history, because we are on the brink of destruction. Here we have that, and this is a miracle. We need miracles, ones that can be clearly seen, and what is a miracle but Nature when she has been stripped of her plain clothing of ordinary and shown to possess powers we have suspected all along is in her store, but ones she does not show often enough to believe in nor to very many people at a time, powers that show us her secret divinity and close bond with the soul and God? A miracle, people, I give you a miracle, where the whole wide world can watch it, on the world wide web, the inner poetry of Nithish. We are watching the boy fly.

The Inner Poetry of Nithish

photos by the author

by S. Nithish

Can you really stretch two mountains?
I don’t need to jump off.
I can just fly through space.
I met Neil Armstrong.
It was his pride to do that can’t you see?
I do something from the bottom of your heart.
Mine is poetry.
Why can’t you speak your mind?
Because of those evil touts control your mind.
I learn to fly.
I see another world in the pond.
I can’t be right,
but I can be truthful to the world.
I can feel the change.
The world is changing once again to a bad turn.
Do you really want to let them in with yourself?
No way I am gonna let that happen.

This was sung to Nithish on the inside as a rap while he was in school about two months before he was taken from me. It was one of two raps he wrote, or, I should say, his muse wrote. The other is at the end of the video-poem “Edge of the Game”. This rap comes from spiritual vision, and he is seeing what is about to happen to him, that “bad turn” coming, and it happens when he is taken from me. In the second to last line, he is speaking about his parents when he uses the pronoun “them”, psychologically manipulating him so that they kill the poet him because they think poetry is a waste of time and because they are suspicious of the lines of poetry that he hears from the inside because they turn him towards God and spirituality and not to them, his parents.

They do not see any talent here, but, dear reader, do you see no talent here? He has a talent that maybe only two or three kids on the whole planet have, an ability to not only write poetry completely from inner listening but also an ability to tell the future. Do you really want that destroyed? Maybe he has this talent to help us not to destroy the world. I might ask who the two mountains are. Would you laugh if I said he and I? I write poetry from spiritual vision also, and it was me opened this up in him.

This is the Character of Man

S. Nithish, 12-years-old, photo by his daddy

ஆங்கில பதிப்புக்கு கீழே தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பு.

I am not just an idealist. I have practical means in my hands. The conversation we need to be having as a humanity is not about climate change, or stopping war, or whatever pressing issue confronts us. It’s how we raise our children. We go to the roots of society and change there. It will take a long time to get a world conversation going on this pressing need, but we can start right here in Pondicherry and maybe Auroville too.

I would like to start a group with you to facilitate that very thing. We would need to have some sort of charter to present to the conversation, and then we push that conversation onto the news media and Pondicherry social and charitable organizations, and we would push with much force, using examples of abuse such as what Nithish is undergoing. There are five main points we press.

The number one thing we give any child is that they learn to love God and seek God in whatever form or name their soul chooses, and that becomes apparent as the child gets older. It might be the God or Gods the parents follow, but, as in the case of Nithish, it might be a different definition of God. (I might add here that is not the Mother but Supermind.)

Number two, the child is taught that they have a soul and that it has a purpose for their life, and it’s the job of the child and the parents to find that purpose as the child grows up.

If the parents are atheist, then they give their child the love of the highest ideals in humanity, compassion, empathy, self-giving, self-sacrifice, respect for the individual, self-respect, and sincerity to name a few. And the atheist parents are open to that child also loving God if that happens, and they endeavor to discover the child’s natural talents and abilities and help the child to express those in their schooling and in their choice of vocation.

Three, we define child abuse not only to mean physically or sexually abusing them, or abusing children emotionally, but also to include controlling your child beyond their needs to be controlled. It would also include not allowing them to see someone significantly important to the child whom the child loves dearly, grandparents, trusted adult, whomever. It would include what Nithish’s parents are doing to him, brainwashing and psychologically manipulating him to love them and not his American parent. He is a good example of the spectrum of abuse, and I would like to make his example known in Pondicherry.

Physical abuse will be defined as giving any physical pain to your child so to punish them or be mean to them. Sexual abuse will be defined as touching your child’s genitals in any context other than washing them or healing them. I have seen in the urban village of Kuruchikuppam mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, aunties, uncles, and just people nearby play with the penis of boys under five, as a regular practice. Although it’s not now known in science, the boys grow up and disrespect women, and, if the playing with it is more intense, that boy will grow up gay or to be a pedophile.

Four, school will be more focused on teaching children to be good human beings rather than on academics, but academics will still be important. Nothing will by forced on them to learn, and their own will will be respected, and they will be taught to use their will beginning when they are very small, so they can control themselves, and their will is not broken by their parents or teachers.

And five, what characterizes our group from any other group working for change in the world is that we are holistic in our methods and do not condemn the abuser and do not deny them their humanity and their own healing. We harmonize the abuser into the process of healing, as a passenger, do not call for their punishment, do not use anger and hatred to deal with them, although allowing the abused child to be angry at them is part of the healing process of that child. We, the people facilitating the healing of child abuse, use reason and compassion, but in cases where a child needs protected and fast, we would use the police if need be. When the abuser and the child are ready, we will allow contact between them so that healing can occur. This is holistic healing, soul healing, how we heal in the afterlife, although this is still unknown. The Nithish Foundation will show the reality of this healing method to the world.

I call the group Nithish Foundation because he is the occasion for it. In America, when a new child abuse law is passed, it’s named after the child that caused the law to be made.

இதுதான் மனிதனின் அரசியலமைப்பு

நான் ஒரு இலட்சியவாதி மட்டுமல்ல. என் கையில் நடைமுறை நடவடிக்கைகள் உள்ளன. மனிதநேயமாக நாம் செய்ய வேண்டிய உரையாடல் பருவநிலை மாற்றம், அல்லது போரை நிறுத்துதல், அல்லது நம்மை எதிர்கொள்ளும் எந்த ஒரு அழுத்தமான பிரச்சினை பற்றியும் அல்ல.
குழந்தைகளை எப்படி வளர்க்கிறோம் என்பதைப் பற்றி பேச வேண்டும். நாம் சமூகத்தின் வேர்களுக்குச் சென்று அங்கு மாறுகிறோம். இந்த அழுத்தமான தேவையைப் பற்றி உலக உரையாடலைப் பெறுவதற்கு நீண்ட நேரம் எடுக்கும், ஆனால் நாம் இங்கேயே பாண்டிச்சேரியில் தொடங்கலாம், ஒருவேளை ஆரோவில்லிலும் கூட இருக்கலாம்.

இதைச் செய்ய உங்களுடன் ஒரு குழுவைத் தொடங்க விரும்புகிறேன். உரையாடலுக்கு முன்வைக்க எங்களிடம் ஒருவித சாசனம் இருக்க வேண்டும், பின்னர் அந்த உரையாடலை செய்தி ஊடகங்கள் மற்றும் பாண்டிச்சேரி சமூக மற்றும் தொண்டு நிறுவனங்களுக்குத் தள்ளுவோம், மேலும் இதை நாங்கள் மிகவும் வலுவாகத் தள்ளுவோம். நித்திஷ் என்ன கஷ்டப்படுகிறார் என்பது போன்ற துஷ்பிரயோகங்களின் உதாரணங்களைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறோம். நாம் அழுத்தும் ஐந்து முக்கிய புள்ளிகள் உள்ளன.

எந்தவொரு குழந்தைக்கும் நாம் கொடுக்கும் முதன்மையான விஷயம் என்னவென்றால், அவர்கள் கடவுளை நேசிக்க கற்றுக்கொள்கிறார்கள் மற்றும் அவர்களின் ஆன்மா தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் எந்த வடிவத்தில் அல்லது பெயரில் கடவுளைத் தேடுகிறார்கள், அது குழந்தை வயதாகும்போது தெளிவாகிறது. அது கடவுளாக இருக்கலாம் அல்லது பெற்றோர் பின்பற்றும் கடவுள்களாக இருக்கலாம், ஆனால், நித்திஷைப் போலவே, இது கடவுளின் வேறுவிதமான வரையறையாக இருக்கலாம். (அதை நான் இங்கே சேர்க்கலாம், அது தாய் அல்ல, சூப்பர் மைண்ட்.).

எண் இரண்டு, குழந்தைக்கு ஒரு ஆத்மா இருப்பதாகவும், அது அவர்களின் வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஒரு நோக்கம் இருப்பதாகவும் கற்பிக்கப்படுகிறது, மேலும் குழந்தை வளரும்போது அந்த நோக்கத்தைக் கண்டுபிடிப்பது குழந்தை மற்றும் பெற்றோரின் வேலை.

பெற்றோர்கள் நாத்திகர்கள் என்றால், அவர்கள் தங்கள் குழந்தைக்கு மனிதநேயம், இரக்கம், பச்சாதாபம், சுயநலம், தியாகம், தனிமனித மரியாதை, சுயமரியாதை, மற்றும் சிலவற்றைப் பெயரிடும் நேர்மை ஆகியவற்றில் உயர்ந்த இலட்சியங்களின் அன்பை வளர்க்கிறார்கள். நாத்திக பெற்றோர்கள் அந்தக் குழந்தைக்கும் கடவுளை நேசிப்பதற்காகத் திறந்திருக்கிறார்கள், மேலும் அவர்கள் குழந்தையின் இயல்பான திறமைகள் மற்றும் திறன்களைக் கண்டறிய முயற்சி செய்கிறார்கள், மேலும் அவர்கள் தங்கள் பள்ளிப் படிப்பிலும், அவர்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் தொழிலிலும் குழந்தைகளை வெளிப்படுத்த உதவுகிறார்கள்.

மூன்று, சிறார் துஷ்பிரயோகம் என்பது அவர்களை உடல் ரீதியாகவோ அல்லது பாலியல் ரீதியாகவோ துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்வது அல்லது குழந்தைகளை உணர்ச்சி ரீதியில் துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்வது மட்டுமல்லாமல், உங்கள் பிள்ளையை கட்டுப்படுத்த வேண்டிய தேவைகளுக்கு அப்பால் கட்டுப்படுத்துவதையும் நாங்கள் வரையறுக்கிறோம். குழந்தை அன்பாக நேசிக்கும் குழந்தை, தாத்தா பாட்டி, நம்பகமான பெரியவர், யாராக இருந்தாலும் அவர்களுக்கு குறிப்பிடத்தக்க முக்கியமான ஒருவரைப் பார்க்க அனுமதிக்காததும் இதில் அடங்கும். இதில் அடங்கும் நித்திஷின் பெற்றோர்கள் அவருக்கு என்ன செய்கிறார்கள், மூளைச் சலவை செய்து, உளவியல் ரீதியாக அவரைக் கையாள்வது, அவர்களை நேசிப்பதற்காக, அவருடைய அமெரிக்க அப்பாவை அல்ல. துஷ்பிரயோகத்தின் ஸ்பெக்ட்ரம் என்பதற்கு அவர் ஒரு தெளிவான உதாரணம். அவரது உதாரணத்தை பாண்டிச்சேரியில் தெரியப்படுத்த விரும்புகிறேன்.

உடல் ரீதியான துஷ்பிரயோகம் என்பது உங்கள் பிள்ளைக்கு ஏதேனும் உடல் வலியைக் கொடுப்பது என வரையறுக்கப்படும், அதனால் அவர்களைத் தண்டிப்பதற்காக அல்லது அவர்களுடன் இழிவாக நடந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். பாலியல் துஷ்பிரயோகம் என்பது உங்கள் குழந்தையின் பிறப்புறுப்பைக் குளிப்பாட்டுவது அல்லது மருந்து கொடுப்பது போன்றவற்றைத் தவிர வேறு எந்த வகையிலும் தொடுவதாக வரையறுக்கப்படும். குருச்சிக்குப்பம் நகர்ப்புற கிராமத்தில் அம்மாக்கள், பாட்டி, அப்பா, தாத்தா, அத்தைகள், மாமாக்கள் மற்றும் அருகில் உள்ளவர்கள் ஐந்து வயதுக்குட்பட்ட ஆண் குழந்தைகளின் ஆணுறுப்பை வைத்து விளையாடுவதை வழக்கமான நடைமுறையாகப் பார்த்திருக்கிறேன். இது இன்னும் அறிவியலால் அறியப்படவில்லை என்றாலும், நீங்கள் சிறுவர்களுக்கு அவ்வாறு செய்தால் அவர்கள் வளர்ந்து பெண்களை அவமரியாதை செய்கிறார்கள், மேலும் விளையாடுவது மிகவும் தீவிரமானதாக இருந்தால், அந்த பையன் ஓரினச்சேர்க்கையாளராக அல்லது குழந்தை துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்பவராக வளர்வார்.

மேலும் நான்கு, கல்வியாளர்களை விட நல்ல மனிதர்களாக இருக்க குழந்தைகளுக்கு கற்பிப்பதில் பள்ளி அதிக கவனம் செலுத்தும், ஆனால் கல்வியாளர்கள் இன்னும் முக்கியமானதாக இருக்கும். அவர்கள் கற்றுக்கொள்வதற்காக எதுவும் கட்டாயப்படுத்தப்படாது, மேலும் அவர்களின் சொந்த விருப்பம் மதிக்கப்படும், மேலும் அவர்கள் மிகவும் சிறியவர்களாக இருக்கும்போது அவர்களின் விருப்பத்தைப் பயன்படுத்த கற்றுக்கொடுக்கப்படுவார்கள், எனவே அவர்கள் தங்களைக் கட்டுப்படுத்திக் கொள்ள முடியும். அவர்களின் பெற்றோரும் ஆசிரியர்களும் தங்கள் விருப்பத்தை மீறாமல் இருக்க கற்றுக்கொள்வார்கள்.

மற்றும் ஐந்து, உலகில் மாற்றத்திற்காக உழைக்கும் வேறு எந்தக் குழுவிலிருந்தும் எங்கள் குழுவின் சிறப்பியல்பு என்னவென்றால், நாங்கள் எங்கள் முறைகளில் முழுமையானவர்கள் மற்றும் துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்பவரைக் கண்டிக்காதீர்கள் மற்றும் அவர்களின் மனிதநேயத்தையும் அவர்களின் சொந்த குணப்படுத்துதலையும் மறுக்கவில்லை. துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்பவரை குணப்படுத்தும் செயல்பாட்டில் நாங்கள் ஒத்திசைக்கிறோம், ஒரு பயணியாக, அவர்களை தண்டிக்க வேண்டாம், கோபத்தையும் வெறுப்பையும் அவர்களுடன் சமாளிக்க வேண்டாம், இருப்பினும் துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்யப்பட்ட குழந்தையை அவர்கள் மீது கோபப்பட அனுமதிப்பது குணப்படுத்தும் செயல்முறையின் ஒரு பகுதியாகும். துஷ்பிரயோகம் செய்பவரும் குழந்தையும் தயாரானதும், அவர்களுக்கிடையே தொடர்பை அனுமதிப்போம், அதனால் குணமடையும். இது முழுமையான குணப்படுத்துதல், ஆன்மா குணப்படுத்துதல், இயற்கையான சிகிச்சைமுறை, மரணத்திற்குப் பிறகு மரணத்திற்குப் பிறகு நாம் குணப்படுத்தும் முறை, இது இன்னும் அறியப்படவில்லை. நிதிஷ் அறக்கட்டளை இந்த குணப்படுத்தும் யதார்த்தத்தை உலகிற்கு காண்பிக்கும்.

அவர்தான் அதற்கான சந்தர்ப்பம் என்பதால் அந்த குழுவை நிதிஷ் அறக்கட்டளை என்று அழைக்கிறேன். அமெரிக்காவில், ஒரு புதிய குழந்தை துஷ்பிரயோக சட்டம் இயற்றப்படும் போது, ​​​​அதற்கு சட்டம் இயற்றப்படுவதற்கு காரணமான குழந்தையின் பெயரிடப்பட்டது.

This manifesto is written to the Pondicherry and local area social worker Masil Johnson, to Pondy, Auroville, and the world, by Donny Lee Duke, May 25, 2024, Usteri Lake, Tamil Nadu

An Incidence in Man

photos by the author
He’s read by anger.
He says it beautifully and sweetly.
I saw the changes
up front.
He’s just so confused, afraid.
I feel sorry for him.
It’s his lowest book,
give you trouble.

He doesn’t know what to do with himself.
I’ve already got complaint.
Pound the report.
He keeps forgetting the name
of the trashcan
they threw him in the night it happened.

You’ll do exactly what I say
to waters,
to water.
It pulls him.
He does it.
He masturbates in front of his father and mother.
I have a question.
Why do they want him to masturbate?
You would think it would be the other way around.
It was.
It’s soon to be pleasure house.

There, there now the father’s hand.
You’ll get a rise out of me in a minute with this.
After that
he met the strong end of the law.
Come help,
and Sandiya slapped him as he pulled,
pulls his red car.
He felt his little toy rear end.
He screamed,
and his father pulled it by the roots again.
Now, he was hysterical,
and that’s how he got into the bathroom
with his mother,
and then she syphoned his little pony to sooth,
golden fellatio.

Son of a bitch,
this is horrible news.
The vision
is exactly what happened,
all the ponies included,
and we rest our case here.
It’s too lost to talk about,
and that boy’s underwear is scared.
This was the opening for him to destroy himself.
This made him blight his tears
for me.
He couldn’t believe
it had happened,
and he kept tryin’ to forget about it.
It was a horror story
out of Genghis Khan.

Now it’s on Facebook,
and you don’t believe it.
I’m sorry it’s true.
Spiritual vision shows it,
and it has shown it all along.
You just didn’t hear me the first time.
Now they put all of this on him,
the surveillance cameras,
the total control,
the psychological manipulation,
the physical abuse,
so he wouldn’t tell me what happened that night,
and that’s why,
dear ladies and gentlemen,
he can have no contact with me whatsoever,
in any shape for form.

They do not know about consciousness.
They think you can hide somethin’
they did to a little boy,
and I’m in union with him.
They don’t know about consciousness.
They think we’re separated,
and we communicate daily.
The boy’s gotten fluffed about it,
and is trying to ignore it.
He wants to accept this abuse and move on.
He has been ruined in character,
totally humiliated
where he meets the world,
and is scared to death of his parents
when they’re in their wrath.
He will do anything for them,
except tell me to get lost.

Okay now that’s you’ve heard the story what are you gonna do?
We haven’t crossed this bridge before.
You just listen to stories.
No one will question this kid
with the proper treatment.
They let his mother rule,
and she is not good to him.
Okay Pondy it’s your stuff.
You need to see this,
because this boy died on the Cross
so you wouldn’t abuse your children.
Can you figure me here?

He’s a representative example
of what you do to children,
just so exaggerated
so it has the impact it has
to show you abuse is wrong.
You don’t know about representative figures.
They’re a holy book.
They are like a Christ,
and you need to see them
so you can get the full effect.
This is godly awful, isn’t it?

Imagine what it’s like
to be one with this child,
sharing consciousness together no holds barred,
and then he’s taken from me
and has this done to him,
and I have to watch
a helpless observer.
I screamed and I carried on
to advocates, the TV news, and the Child Help Line.
No one would question that kid
or even worry about it.
I was a crazy lark
that needed to shut up,
but I’m an activist,
and I know my stuff.
This story has gone out to every major NGO in the country
that deals with child’s rights
and preventing them from being abused,
several Pondy TV news channels,
and every major newspaper in the country.
This story will get out,
when the election’s over.

There’s no stoppin’ it now,
and I’ll be right there
to receive that boy
to take him home and heal him,
because that’s what union does.
You’re unified on oneness,
and systems of abuse
do not have ground of being.
It’s a union story
of love and kindness.
It’s oneness’ story,
the heart of compassion,
knowledge of one another
where the soul sees.

I’m sorry I’m teachin’ yah new things.
You’re not good with innovative stuff
when it involves the terms and conditions of our being,
what a human being is,
and how it tries
to rise up out of human being
into the next class.
I give you there
with this kid.
That’s our endeavor together,
to change man.

Now tell me again I can’t heal this kid,
but the truth of the matter
is that we’ll heal each other.
I’m in the same shape he’s in,
only I will take the lead
because I’m his daddy,
and daddies,
my sweet audience,
really do know best.
Thank you Pondicherry
for letting him heal at my house,
his home before all this started,
his place of refuge and safety,
a place of loving dog.

And that,
my dear friends,
is where this chapter ends.
Did you know dogs are with us to become human beings?
The soul says this,
and evolution’s its spur.
That’s why they live in our homes.
That’s why they’re our children.
They have an appointment with destiny
when they change to the higher kind,
and for a mountain of dog lives
they learn the ways of human being,
until they become a Lisa,
my beloved dead Rottweiler,
and they have the magic of human being in their eyes
growin’ their understanding inside.
They have reached the pinnacle of dog,
and our house raises dog,
and that boy’s right in the middle of it,
lovin’ those dogs
and those dogs lovin’ him.
Imagine how his dogs felt when he was taken.
They’ve never seen him again.

We have the ingredients for healing I tell you,
even in the notion of dream.
It’s candy for us.
What did you dream last night?
And we all tell.
We have a healing house,
and we’re ready for this boy
to return.
Now Pondicherry we’re a prototype,
and you’ve gotta be big enough to see it.
You’re a big enough town for it.
The supramental manifestation on Earth
descended here first.
You grapple with big things.
It’s time you knew that,
and it’s you Pondicherry,
that replaces Jerusalem
as the city of hope,
the city of peace,
and we’re here to help you with that,
me and this boy.
Okay Pondicherry,
let us heal.

You’ll have to give me the man roles.
What have we here?
Look at this kid,
strangely peacock
even in defeat.
Are you listenin’ Pondicherry?
Tell me a secret.
I get him smooth.
You crazy person,
you’re by the wall;
I’ll try not to
tell you to get lost
after the election.

We are the soul rise,
he and I,
and I understand your concern,
and I understand your confusion.
Boy get it to become man,
and we’re hit Pondicherry on the head
of its going to school.
Now laugh at that will yah,
and tell me I’m a fool.
You haven’t read his poetry yet,
nor seen that strength of soul.
Just sit back and relax
and review our material.
Videos, poems, and songs
will knock your socks off,
will do your head in,
will be kind and gentle and sweet,
every time you see us talk,
but we will be loud,
and awfully bright.

Now here am I in front of Pondicherry,
Hey, can I get you something?
Do you need to cut us up in pieces and throw it away?
You don’t need to do anything except go with the movement.
We know how to ride the storm.
What happened?
You heard the story that they took ‘im
and all that ensued,
and I am his daddy,
and I would like to raise him again.
All sorts of thought
we give you Pondicherry.
One came in a dog suit.
Vision of Luna. (vision of my Rottweiler standing outside near a wood)
The wrong
have that boy now.
You need to see this
and make it right.
You can see the future in us
if you look hard enough.

Nithish and his daddy,
now that’s an item.
There’s no reason to fear that now.
He’ll be at break tomorrow.
The train station
on Friday comin’ here.
I’ll have to turn him in the grocery store,
and toys,
many presents,
we let him have.
He’s got a healin’ train a comin’,
and it’s at the station now.

What an active young man.
Who are you?
The poet
of the sunrise of humanity.
Let’s move his truck,
and he can express that,
and I’m his keeper,
and I’m his teacher
there at dawn too.
Please hear us.
We’re the Milky Way.
We’ve got good news,
the colors in the rainbow,
either in social media
or every place you meet us on the street.
That’s rock bottom vision.
It goes like this:
do you hear our pull?
We’re a look out for human beings.
Can I wash off the dog?
Get it right with human beings.

Nithish is with his parents.
Don’t say anything now.
One for… (vision of Nithish sitting at a computer and his mother and auntie are standing behind him, Sandiya taking a photo of him with a flat, silver, square camera, telling him to pose, and I realize they are taking a photo record of him to compete with mine, making a sudden concentrated effort to do that to rival the photos I post of him)
It looks like a photo shoot,
and they’ve got the video to prove it.
And there he is.
I had no idea.
Nithish you’re asking me a question:
where do you divide the partition?
As long as you’re careful not to do that,
tear me apart,
we wouldn’t partition ourselves.
Your parents are using you for propaganda.
They’re taking pictures to rival me.
I took spontaneous pictures of you.
The difference is tearing me apart.

You’re open
to they put you here they put you there,
like they’re doin’ it for you,
and you give them that warm smile,
thinking you have their business.
It’s not the same baby dog,
and I wonder if you can even feel it,
so lost you are in their approval and validation,
so far you are away from me.
I don’t like Bozos,
Bozo the Clown.
Put that on the street.

Grace school is himself. (vision of Grace his Beagle puppy standing in a table chair on her hind legs with her front paws on the table)
He’s in his underwear.
He’s big and small and little and mean.
He won’t take no for an answer.
He’s not dedicated to you,
and something happened that changed his mind.
You did not seem relief.
You were not there for him.
You didn’t come,
and you were crazy with grief.
You wanted to see him so badly
it turned him away from you.
He doesn’t respect you.
He believes the brainwashing.
He doesn’t know what’s up.
He doesn’t care to find out.
You want to know if he’s happy
and doesn’t need you.
He can’t find himself.
He’s alone on the inside,
and if you can’t see sadness in his eyes,
you can feel it in his heart.
He wants to see you
and need is comin’.

He doesn’t understand what’s happened.
He’s too little for that.
He wants so see you
He has not gained by loosing you.
His life is something forcing.
He’s a painted doll.
You are his flower.
He just wants to sit and be with you,
but he doesn’t want to see this too loudly.
He doesn’t want to be in the garbage can
with his parents.
All that’s over.
That he doesn’t renounce you that’s okay.
They just keep him from you,
and the phone call the other day they got by.
You’re crazy and confused his mind
was their answer.

And now you’ve declared you’re gonna die to see ‘im,
hunger strike.
I’m in trouble.
This will all fall on me.
Hear him now?
Is he worried about you?
They don’t want him to be but yes.
He doesn’t want you to die.
Will he do anything to stop it?
He would try.

Now all this bad news,
that makes you feel so bad,
is gonna change.
When you see him again you’ll know you’re there,
and he will remember past lives,
and he’ll want it there.
He’ll reveal secrets.
He will be with you in every heartbeat,
and this will open that boy’s mind
to convince his parent’s of his need to see you.
This is incredible news
and will change the story.
He will be yours again,
and they will have to contend with that.

Is there a public on the way?
It happened.
The public got wind of this,
and you’re showin’ it to them now.
You’re in the Pondy poems,
and this one’s the big one
for their being’s worth.

He has my note.
He has my seven.
We need him to see you,
and that’s soon.
He doesn’t know which way is up.
And you’re gonna show him Heaven’s door. (vision of Nithish sitting on the curb of a street and looking up at me with such open love)
He’s the taste in your room.
You’re his special surprise.
He knows you’re comin’.
Will you listen to me?
This was our world,
the great and hidden pain of death.
And you’ve got me on time,
before I forgot you.
There I’ll see you on Friday.
You make the test model fight too.
It’s prevision,
and it will become active soon.

Oh there were his plug pluses down there.
There were him.
“The samadhi of the Gods is in my heart
water drops.”
He will felt good listenin’.
Have you watched your video yet?
I’m not lookin’ to do that.
What’s wrong with you?
No contact with me,
that and I want you to leave me alone.
Two notes from the ranger.
You are being awfully bad.
We have to waste time here and I show it to you.
and will you come when they ask?
I would go in a heartbeat.
But you won’t watch the video?
I’m scared to feel the pain.
I don’t want to remember you.
I don’t want to cry.
Alright little boy,
you aren’t the greatest little boy in the world,
but I will see you soon.

Edge of the Game

Nithish’s new video for his YouTube channel

In this poem, written from inner spiritual vision, meaning the lines were spoken to him on the inside, one by one, and I recorded them for him on my voice recorder where I record my own muse, Nithish is speaking to his future self, giving himself help about a tragedy that came to pass on March 12th, when he was taken from me. We’re not allowed visits, phone calls, and no one can give him my messages. They took him because they got mad at me. He’s had a negative personality change, and his spiritual vision has been replaced by nightmares.

Like dream, spiritual vision has vision of the future, and this poem will bear that out if you take the time to listen to it. As art and poetry, it will take more than one viewing to understand in its complexity, where, in each frame, there are layers of meaning, what is happening in the video itself, entertaining enough, and the poem superimposed on that, with occasional visions the boy had while the lines were spoken to him being presented in a ticker tape fashion at the bottom of the screen.

It’s actually a miracle and is a real example of soul healing, in this case his soul speaking to him now from the past. The video is now being viewed by the boy and those around him (or will be shortly), including his parents, and the divine muse of poetry, having knowledge of the future, knew when the video would be made and posted, at just the right time in the ‘death’ of the boy to bring him back to life, soul, and God.

“The Samadhi of the Gods is in my heart” means his spirituality is forbidden. His parents scorn his poetry, and he can’t follow the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. “I don’t like biryani I like burger.” He likes things American, which his parents don’t like. “I ask where is my dog,” his Beagle puppy, Grace, who he lost too. He lost all his dogs.

“Look back and you’ll get out” means that if he remembers what it was like living with me, looks back on those times, he’ll get out of school, school here meaning the school he is at home, school being a symbol for a child’s life lessons, whether they take place at home or at the institution of school. The whole poem is so he will remember what he’s forgotten under his parents’ intense psychological manipulation, where he lost himself. In this poem, which he wrote from his past to his future self, he’s trying to get his ‘dead’ self to see he needs to see who he really is.

“Bamboo sticks they use it to beat children in the school / and they use it to make sugar in the factory.” School is a symbol where he learns his lessons in life, both at home and school as an institution, as I’ve explained above. “Well, next time bad spirits of school Nazis,” meaning the extreme control his parents have used in this present situation, not the first abusive situation he’s been in with them, to get him to stop wanting me.

”Why is ice on fire on earth?” Our relationship has been put on ice but is aflame. “Gutter door is open. / Play along for awhile.” He did what his parents wanted and told people what they told him to say, “I’m okay with it,” but they can’t get him to tell me that. “Hold onto them with your breath, / knowers or brewers. / Mr. NoMore is out of town. He’s still holding onto to me, but his parents are telling him I’m a beggar, and I only want him to take care of me in my old age, and of course I’m Mr. NoMore.

The last lines mean that I recorded it all in my own muse and predicts that his story of childhood trauma will make a big difference in the world. The rap at the end, also muse and prevision, is a short synopsis of the bad situation he fell into when his parents took him from me. At that time he was listening to BoyWithUke.

Social consciousness we’re exploring here. This little boy’s showing it to you in the society he has with me. You don’t believe that we we share consciousness with each other. Here’s a poem that will show not only that, but that you can talk to your future self about that society you live in. An 11-yr-old boy wrote this, with an incredibly superior opening of the inner consciousness, magnetic, the very thing that you need to see so we can survive on this planet. In a spiritual emergency, you can write a poem in the inner consciousness to your future self, as this boy has done. He’s important to the world. You can count on one hand the number of kids that can do this in all the world.

Do you want this dead in him? It is right now. His parents have killed it. You’d call me a dirty old man because I want to see him so insistently, but your stereotype is wrong. I opened this boy’s consciousness, and we openly share consciousness together. We can prove this miracle. This is not the only poem of ours that shows it, because in poetry writing, in union with me he does it, and to have been torn asunder like this has caused our very souls to reach out for one another, and what else in him could have written this poem but his soul. Social consciousness, the first example.

Edge of the Game
(Written October 2023)
Samadhi of the Gods is in my heart
water drops.
Like any other kid’s life my life is complicated.
I don’t praise my parents I praise the Mother.
Hot Wheels on the road,
Boss Baby here.

Hah, I’m athlete, don’t fight me.
Sticker bushes in the sky,
clouds in the ground,
study abroad or study up rod,
my life is not stolen it’s in the safe.
Don’t you laugh at me for a little blah blah.

I’m like a marshmallow.
Can I really look handsome?
Sinkin’ through space,
Gandhi said you are a race.
[two above lines heard sung]
I don’t like biryani I like burger.
I don’t vote Modi but I very much do hear melody.
Garage of the forage,
call me Mr. Poppins.

(I have a vision of laying wounded in a bedroom in a white bed. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo are near me and start meditating when I wake up, and I start meditating with them. When I start meditating with them, they give me a power stroke to say what’s going on, like by the power, like I know everything. I was told I could talk to them anytime I wanted, but I have to snap into my supermental body because my physical body is here on earth but my supermental body is with them. Then I ask the Mother for a poem to get out of school, and she says the line below)
Look back and you’ll get out.

I’m thinking about leaving.
The ancient realm is alive.
Fate decides you,
(vision of General Iroh telling me the above line
in a Fire Nation ship in a vision
what kind of man you become.
Rebuild the evolving species,
hashtag flying away.

Earn money for doomsday,
it’s in the eight sector.
Betrayal is not good for God.
Organize the pieces
you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Dive deep under the water
without a swimsuit
you’ll see the glowin’ star.
I see my dogs
in the garden with the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

I’m a part of the lily pond.
Everything is reversed here.
Pepsi or Coke a Cola I don’t know.
Pepsi not for sure.
It’s pizza time at the lake.

I shaved air.
I’m a hill climber.
Peacocks look at me weird.
Do they see the shining sun?
They have the magical eye.
It’s easy for them to see me.
I’m in the wild with them.
I ask where is my dog.
In the jungle I say.
Why can’t it be in the plains,
can’t it be in the house,
can’t it be in the water,
can’t it be in the hills,
can’t it be in the hill climbers?

Sure do hill climbers climb that mountain.
Well, I’ll fly to that mountain.
I have the God’s eye.
Maybe I can see the angel on top of you,
because behind me
it’s an organization
assembled by the Gods
and the God Himself.

School is such a pain in the ass.
That’s where I get my boils from.
School doesn’t pop it.
My house pops it.
Bamboo sticks they use it to beat children in the school
and they use it to make sugar in the factory.
Well you sure are making a way for the demons.
Show me the certificate if you’re gonna hit a child.
I’m going to God to talk about this.
Well, next time bad spirits of school Nazis.

Please don’t hit my kind.
You’re all a unified mind.
Rhythm is not for music it’s for poets.
I sure do use a lot.
Why is ice on fire in Earth?
It’s sure not like that in the spirit realm.
I’ve visited that place.

Walk with honor.
The ball’s in your court.
Lay down the law.
It’s not an opinion.
It’s the whole world.
Free angels in your mind.
I’ve stopped drinking coffee,
but I’ve moved on.
It’s one or another.
Soon he’s gonna get married.
Everyone should learn to smile.

Gutter door is open.
Play along for awhile.
Treat yourself.
Spirits go away.
Hold onto them with your breath,
knowers or brewers.
Mr. NoMore is out of town.

Lily ponds are as beautiful as our inner.
Record my fame for history.
Business talks are not for me.
Boy of the Northern Kingdom is about to wake up the whole world.

I fell out of my place for nothing to eat for I hit the ground sooo hard it hurt my life a little too far I cannot take it. I cannot carve through this mountain of lives. I am not so fine. The trauma I experienced in childhood I can blame it all on school, school, school, school, school. school. I am not a rapper. I’m a taper. I tape my life. The wounds can heal. My muscles can grow. My life can be a Christmas gift.

I Give You Sandiya

Get her to speak with me.
Ger her to understand
her fear of losing Nithish
makes her abuse Nithish.
She says she’s stopped beating him?
It’s not a conscious choice she makes.
She gets angry
and loses control of herself
and beats him.
It’s her character.
He will tell that.

Now, about abuse:
she will not let him see me,
even for a short visit,
so to abuse him for preferring me over her.
Yes momma I’m happy with you.
What he’s really saying:
yes momma I’m scared of you.
Why won’t he mention daddy?
Why won’t he fight for the right to see daddy?

I cannot speak of him
in front of you,
and I’m on his side.
You don’t understand I cannot speak.
The fear of you is so big inside,
the fear of you mother,
who has beat me, slapped me, brainwashed me
for these past two months,
so much so I cannot even speak,
physically cannot speak,
on daddy’s side
in front of you.
I am too scared of you.

Now Sandiya is this my muse talking or is this Nithish?
Are you hiding from yourself the truth?
Nithish loves you but prefers to be with me.
Nithish is happy with me.
He is not very happy with you.
Nithish wants to live with me
and visit you.
These things are facts
in that boy’s mind and heart,
and stop lying to yourself about it.
He feels that way.

When you make him speak against his will,
you smother his identity and abuse him.
Abuse is more than the hit of a hand
or the handle of a genital.
It’s forcing that child to do things against his will.
It’s suppressing him own identity.
It’s not letting him be who he is.
It’s making him be who you want him to be.
You are so self-satisfied,
so sure you have his loyalty,
but when you kept him from even greeting me,
after two months of such emotional torment,
his and mine,
you crossed the line.
He will tell on you now.
Wait and see.

But why does it have to come to that?
Can you just put a stop to your hate and desire for revenge?
Can you consider the welfare of your child
more than you needing your child?
Can you do what’s best for Nithish?
You know that is seeing and being with me.

It doesn’t mean he’s not with you.
It just means your fantasy that he’s your baby is not true.
He’s his own self
and is too big to be someone’s baby.
I am a man,
and at his age,
he identifies with more with males.

His father has been a weekend dad all his life.
I have been with that boy hundreds of days more than his father,
and whatever you say about the boys I’ve raised,
Sundar is a murderer.
He has killed at least four people my advocate told me.
What a role model for Nithish,
and now he’s using his gang
to threaten Asiya,
to beat him up or even kill him,
and you yourself Sandiya are giving that threat.
What business is this for good parents?
That is evil and you know it.
Asiya did not hurt you,
did not give you heart pain or grief,
only helped me to ease mine,
to do the right thing
and help Nithish and I see each other,
and you know that is good and proper in God’s eyes.

Can I show you a hidden example?
A mutual friend Sudhan,
you gave him a story to give to me.
Call up daddy.
Tell him you went in my house for a drink of water.
Nithish was there alone.
Tell him you asked Nithish about daddy.
Nithish said I only love my mother,
and I don’t care about anything else,
a blatant big lie,
a spinning web of psychological manipulation.
Now Sudhan told me you had him do this to me.
Imagine what you are doing to Nithish.
This is just one example.
When this is over,
people will come forward with more.
You’re being evil Sandiya,
just evil.

You are willfully being bad,
as bad as you can to me,
for reasons I don’t clearly understand.
You would kill me if you could get away with it.
That’s how much you hate me.
Is it at bottom
really because
Nithish prefers me
to you?
Is that the reason for all this hate?

Now pull him up on the carpet.
Ask him to reassure you again
how much he loves you.
How many times have you done that?
Do you chose me over daddy, do you chose me over daddy,
do you chose me over daddy?
He’s very afraid of you.
He will tell you whatever you want to hear,
because he’s scared of you,
not because he loves you.
You say if he spent time with me away from you
he would change his mind.
What does that mean?
He would realize how he truly feels,
and you are scared of that?
You are not secure in his loyalty to you,
are you?

In the eyes of God,
allow Nithish and I to see each other without your interference,
just for a short time the first time.
Then we can go from there,
and we can make peace again in our family
for the children’s sake.
It’s up to you Sandiya.
It’s your decision.
You hold the power
for now.
Will you do what’s right?

Hear a dog’s life.
We question Nithish.
He’s on the short end of the stick at home,
the author of all these Facebook problems.
He’s in trouble.
He suffers so much for loving me.
His mother ruins him for it.
What can I do but cry?

Okay I have the strength of poetry,
and I’m using it for Nithish.
You think I’m stupid,
a fool,
just some crazy old man?
I love my boy,
and if it comes to that
I will lay down my life for him
to get him the help he needs.

He’s lost so much weight.
He looks hollow and empty inside
by the look on his face.
I hear his behavior is erratic.
He’s volatile and tells lots of lies.
He’s not sure of himself.
A personality change has occurred
since he was taken from my home
a happy and plump little boy.
The mother is ignoring this,
his state,
his rapid deterioration.

To anyone that confronts her
about letting the boy see me,
she’s flies off the handle
and screams at them to stay out of it,
even to close relatives.
That’s the mother he has.
Now that’s Sandiya.
Can you please help?