An Incidence in Man

photos by the author
He’s read by anger.
He says it beautifully and sweetly.
I saw the changes
up front.
He’s just so confused, afraid.
I feel sorry for him.
It’s his lowest book,
give you trouble.

He doesn’t know what to do with himself.
I’ve already got complaint.
Pound the report.
He keeps forgetting the name
of the trashcan
they threw him in the night it happened.

You’ll do exactly what I say
to waters,
to water.
It pulls him.
He does it.
He masturbates in front of his father and mother.
I have a question.
Why do they want him to masturbate?
You would think it would be the other way around.
It was.
It’s soon to be pleasure house.

There, there now the father’s hand.
You’ll get a rise out of me in a minute with this.
After that
he met the strong end of the law.
Come help,
and Sandiya slapped him as he pulled,
pulls his red car.
He felt his little toy rear end.
He screamed,
and his father pulled it by the roots again.
Now, he was hysterical,
and that’s how he got into the bathroom
with his mother,
and then she syphoned his little pony to sooth,
golden fellatio.

Son of a bitch,
this is horrible news.
The vision
is exactly what happened,
all the ponies included,
and we rest our case here.
It’s too lost to talk about,
and that boy’s underwear is scared.
This was the opening for him to destroy himself.
This made him blight his tears
for me.
He couldn’t believe
it had happened,
and he kept tryin’ to forget about it.
It was a horror story
out of Genghis Khan.

Now it’s on Facebook,
and you don’t believe it.
I’m sorry it’s true.
Spiritual vision shows it,
and it has shown it all along.
You just didn’t hear me the first time.
Now they put all of this on him,
the surveillance cameras,
the total control,
the psychological manipulation,
the physical abuse,
so he wouldn’t tell me what happened that night,
and that’s why,
dear ladies and gentlemen,
he can have no contact with me whatsoever,
in any shape for form.

They do not know about consciousness.
They think you can hide somethin’
they did to a little boy,
and I’m in union with him.
They don’t know about consciousness.
They think we’re separated,
and we communicate daily.
The boy’s gotten fluffed about it,
and is trying to ignore it.
He wants to accept this abuse and move on.
He has been ruined in character,
totally humiliated
where he meets the world,
and is scared to death of his parents
when they’re in their wrath.
He will do anything for them,
except tell me to get lost.

Okay now that’s you’ve heard the story what are you gonna do?
We haven’t crossed this bridge before.
You just listen to stories.
No one will question this kid
with the proper treatment.
They let his mother rule,
and she is not good to him.
Okay Pondy it’s your stuff.
You need to see this,
because this boy died on the Cross
so you wouldn’t abuse your children.
Can you figure me here?

He’s a representative example
of what you do to children,
just so exaggerated
so it has the impact it has
to show you abuse is wrong.
You don’t know about representative figures.
They’re a holy book.
They are like a Christ,
and you need to see them
so you can get the full effect.
This is godly awful, isn’t it?

Imagine what it’s like
to be one with this child,
sharing consciousness together no holds barred,
and then he’s taken from me
and has this done to him,
and I have to watch
a helpless observer.
I screamed and I carried on
to advocates, the TV news, and the Child Help Line.
No one would question that kid
or even worry about it.
I was a crazy lark
that needed to shut up,
but I’m an activist,
and I know my stuff.
This story has gone out to every major NGO in the country
that deals with child’s rights
and preventing them from being abused,
several Pondy TV news channels,
and every major newspaper in the country.
This story will get out,
when the election’s over.

There’s no stoppin’ it now,
and I’ll be right there
to receive that boy
to take him home and heal him,
because that’s what union does.
You’re unified on oneness,
and systems of abuse
do not have ground of being.
It’s a union story
of love and kindness.
It’s oneness’ story,
the heart of compassion,
knowledge of one another
where the soul sees.

I’m sorry I’m teachin’ yah new things.
You’re not good with innovative stuff
when it involves the terms and conditions of our being,
what a human being is,
and how it tries
to rise up out of human being
into the next class.
I give you there
with this kid.
That’s our endeavor together,
to change man.

Now tell me again I can’t heal this kid,
but the truth of the matter
is that we’ll heal each other.
I’m in the same shape he’s in,
only I will take the lead
because I’m his daddy,
and daddies,
my sweet audience,
really do know best.
Thank you Pondicherry
for letting him heal at my house,
his home before all this started,
his place of refuge and safety,
a place of loving dog.

And that,
my dear friends,
is where this chapter ends.
Did you know dogs are with us to become human beings?
The soul says this,
and evolution’s its spur.
That’s why they live in our homes.
That’s why they’re our children.
They have an appointment with destiny
when they change to the higher kind,
and for a mountain of dog lives
they learn the ways of human being,
until they become a Lisa,
my beloved dead Rottweiler,
and they have the magic of human being in their eyes
growin’ their understanding inside.
They have reached the pinnacle of dog,
and our house raises dog,
and that boy’s right in the middle of it,
lovin’ those dogs
and those dogs lovin’ him.
Imagine how his dogs felt when he was taken.
They’ve never seen him again.

We have the ingredients for healing I tell you,
even in the notion of dream.
It’s candy for us.
What did you dream last night?
And we all tell.
We have a healing house,
and we’re ready for this boy
to return.
Now Pondicherry we’re a prototype,
and you’ve gotta be big enough to see it.
You’re a big enough town for it.
The supramental manifestation on Earth
descended here first.
You grapple with big things.
It’s time you knew that,
and it’s you Pondicherry,
that replaces Jerusalem
as the city of hope,
the city of peace,
and we’re here to help you with that,
me and this boy.
Okay Pondicherry,
let us heal.

You’ll have to give me the man roles.
What have we here?
Look at this kid,
strangely peacock
even in defeat.
Are you listenin’ Pondicherry?
Tell me a secret.
I get him smooth.
You crazy person,
you’re by the wall;
I’ll try not to
tell you to get lost
after the election.

We are the soul rise,
he and I,
and I understand your concern,
and I understand your confusion.
Boy get it to become man,
and we’re hit Pondicherry on the head
of its going to school.
Now laugh at that will yah,
and tell me I’m a fool.
You haven’t read his poetry yet,
nor seen that strength of soul.
Just sit back and relax
and review our material.
Videos, poems, and songs
will knock your socks off,
will do your head in,
will be kind and gentle and sweet,
every time you see us talk,
but we will be loud,
and awfully bright.

Now here am I in front of Pondicherry,
Hey, can I get you something?
Do you need to cut us up in pieces and throw it away?
You don’t need to do anything except go with the movement.
We know how to ride the storm.
What happened?
You heard the story that they took ‘im
and all that ensued,
and I am his daddy,
and I would like to raise him again.
All sorts of thought
we give you Pondicherry.
One came in a dog suit.
Vision of Luna. (vision of my Rottweiler standing outside near a wood)
The wrong
have that boy now.
You need to see this
and make it right.
You can see the future in us
if you look hard enough.

Nithish and his daddy,
now that’s an item.
There’s no reason to fear that now.
He’ll be at break tomorrow.
The train station
on Friday comin’ here.
I’ll have to turn him in the grocery store,
and toys,
many presents,
we let him have.
He’s got a healin’ train a comin’,
and it’s at the station now.

What an active young man.
Who are you?
The poet
of the sunrise of humanity.
Let’s move his truck,
and he can express that,
and I’m his keeper,
and I’m his teacher
there at dawn too.
Please hear us.
We’re the Milky Way.
We’ve got good news,
the colors in the rainbow,
either in social media
or every place you meet us on the street.
That’s rock bottom vision.
It goes like this:
do you hear our pull?
We’re a look out for human beings.
Can I wash off the dog?
Get it right with human beings.

Nithish is with his parents.
Don’t say anything now.
One for… (vision of Nithish sitting at a computer and his mother and auntie are standing behind him, Sandiya taking a photo of him with a flat, silver, square camera, telling him to pose, and I realize they are taking a photo record of him to compete with mine, making a sudden concentrated effort to do that to rival the photos I post of him)
It looks like a photo shoot,
and they’ve got the video to prove it.
And there he is.
I had no idea.
Nithish you’re asking me a question:
where do you divide the partition?
As long as you’re careful not to do that,
tear me apart,
we wouldn’t partition ourselves.
Your parents are using you for propaganda.
They’re taking pictures to rival me.
I took spontaneous pictures of you.
The difference is tearing me apart.

You’re open
to they put you here they put you there,
like they’re doin’ it for you,
and you give them that warm smile,
thinking you have their business.
It’s not the same baby dog,
and I wonder if you can even feel it,
so lost you are in their approval and validation,
so far you are away from me.
I don’t like Bozos,
Bozo the Clown.
Put that on the street.

Grace school is himself. (vision of Grace his Beagle puppy standing in a table chair on her hind legs with her front paws on the table)
He’s in his underwear.
He’s big and small and little and mean.
He won’t take no for an answer.
He’s not dedicated to you,
and something happened that changed his mind.
You did not seem relief.
You were not there for him.
You didn’t come,
and you were crazy with grief.
You wanted to see him so badly
it turned him away from you.
He doesn’t respect you.
He believes the brainwashing.
He doesn’t know what’s up.
He doesn’t care to find out.
You want to know if he’s happy
and doesn’t need you.
He can’t find himself.
He’s alone on the inside,
and if you can’t see sadness in his eyes,
you can feel it in his heart.
He wants to see you
and need is comin’.

He doesn’t understand what’s happened.
He’s too little for that.
He wants so see you
He has not gained by loosing you.
His life is something forcing.
He’s a painted doll.
You are his flower.
He just wants to sit and be with you,
but he doesn’t want to see this too loudly.
He doesn’t want to be in the garbage can
with his parents.
All that’s over.
That he doesn’t renounce you that’s okay.
They just keep him from you,
and the phone call the other day they got by.
You’re crazy and confused his mind
was their answer.

And now you’ve declared you’re gonna die to see ‘im,
hunger strike.
I’m in trouble.
This will all fall on me.
Hear him now?
Is he worried about you?
They don’t want him to be but yes.
He doesn’t want you to die.
Will he do anything to stop it?
He would try.

Now all this bad news,
that makes you feel so bad,
is gonna change.
When you see him again you’ll know you’re there,
and he will remember past lives,
and he’ll want it there.
He’ll reveal secrets.
He will be with you in every heartbeat,
and this will open that boy’s mind
to convince his parent’s of his need to see you.
This is incredible news
and will change the story.
He will be yours again,
and they will have to contend with that.

Is there a public on the way?
It happened.
The public got wind of this,
and you’re showin’ it to them now.
You’re in the Pondy poems,
and this one’s the big one
for their being’s worth.

He has my note.
He has my seven.
We need him to see you,
and that’s soon.
He doesn’t know which way is up.
And you’re gonna show him Heaven’s door. (vision of Nithish sitting on the curb of a street and looking up at me with such open love)
He’s the taste in your room.
You’re his special surprise.
He knows you’re comin’.
Will you listen to me?
This was our world,
the great and hidden pain of death.
And you’ve got me on time,
before I forgot you.
There I’ll see you on Friday.
You make the test model fight too.
It’s prevision,
and it will become active soon.

Oh there were his plug pluses down there.
There were him.
“The samadhi of the Gods is in my heart
water drops.”
He will felt good listenin’.
Have you watched your video yet?
I’m not lookin’ to do that.
What’s wrong with you?
No contact with me,
that and I want you to leave me alone.
Two notes from the ranger.
You are being awfully bad.
We have to waste time here and I show it to you.
and will you come when they ask?
I would go in a heartbeat.
But you won’t watch the video?
I’m scared to feel the pain.
I don’t want to remember you.
I don’t want to cry.
Alright little boy,
you aren’t the greatest little boy in the world,
but I will see you soon.

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