We Live in Borg

Photo by Donny
The bio I sent you at the end of Chapter 3,
that’s Neale Donald Walsch
you think so,
and not even Donald Walsch thinks so.
This product is will,
and I've seen what I'm talking about.
I speak of spiritual experience.
When I say
the other states of consciousness,
I've worn them.
This is poetry central.
This came from the heart,
a poet’s withstand silence.

Come off the planet
I taste good.
Revel in speech.
Pull the nightshades down
and amplify the Word.

This is good music,
on top of its bar.
No one knows where it came from.
It’s a divine hearing speech.
It’s got candy-grass in it
and real diamonds.
It’s an incredible blast of good.
It’s sits in the sunlight and sings.

We know it handles.
We know it’s good for us.
Let’s not stand and break this.
Let’s give it our particular attention
and put it in the wind so it can circulate.
It’s divine word speak,
and it comes crashing down on your consciousness
like a message from Heaven.
God is good, you know?

Let’s see what else she floats.
30 doctors took something else.
There is no separate people no more.
Do not sit conversion therapy.
We drink this.
I can’t tell you it’s real.
Where is the confusion
you want to convert?
You want to convert them to Christianity.

Is that a life choice?
Is that real?
The language of G.I.
hairdresses these guys.
It is a power and a snake.
It is not a bridge to forever.
It will not land you in paradise.
It has mountains that you cannot cross.
It doesn’t hold your hand.
It wants you only to obey.
How good is that?

Can we fit Jesus here?
He would not be allowed in church.
He would be asked to leave.
He would not celebrate Mass.
He would not live by the letter of the Law.
He would be too open and honest for people to use.
He would be seen with the wrong sort of people.
He would be colorblind.
He would be around children.
He would rock the boat.
He would love even the sinner.

Jesus would shelter a pedophile,
give comfort to an axe murderer,
would not give up on them,
would stay on their side
all the way to change.

Where do you go with Christianity?
To the hatred of the day.
It’s not a religion
that brings you to God’s love.
It’s a belief system
that ends up in hell.
It creates a God
that will upend creation
and put the overwhelming majority of its people,
the men and women He has created,
to be put in the worst pain imaginable
without end.

Now we look at God.
Who would do that to his children?
What kind of monster are we talking about?
There is no greater monster.
There is no greater pain
than this monster gives.
What a snake in the hands of love.
What a Jesus pile.
And you want to worship this?
This will right the world?
This will make us clean?

Now tell me again why God loves us.
Because we spooked a formula in God’s name
and put Jesus at the center of it,
and if we don’t do this we die
that horrible death
that kills us forever?
For God so loved the world
He put everybody in hell
except some chosen few.
Do you really believe that?
Do you want to?
That’s salvation?

Conceptualize God’s love.
Would that break the fence?
Incredible on land,
it would hate nobody.
What’s wrong with you you can’t see that?
Ah, a God of punishment has got you there,
of eternal hellfire.
You’re not safe with Him.
Can we see that has structured society?
Do you know what that does to your psyche?
It’s the bottom line of God
in so many religions’ think,
and we put society together accordingly.
That’s impossible.
That’s inhuman.
That’s why we’re there,
where the world sinks
in inhumanity.
Now God is love see.
You love God see.

The Gay and Lesbian Switchboard,
that’s the callers sayin’
good idea
let’s remodel Christianity
it doesn’t hate anyone;
it showers love on people;
morality is not eternal damnation.

Let’s sing together
the way God loves us:
without reservation;
there is no judgment involved,
and there is no punishment involved.

This will happen:
a lot of non-Christians,
and you would say their hate speech
is what got them in trouble.

You don’t know what’s comin’:
America the Christian police state.
Nobody knows it’s comin’.
It will be disguised until it’s there.
This is the tyranny of the majority,
and it will rely on Christianity
to put its proper in place.

I’d like to tackle this by the horns.
I’d like to show it to you.
I can’t even get out of my blog.
I can’t get past the liberal thinker.
They’re not liberal when it comes to me.
Here they meet the conservative
as bloody partners.
And that will become
the American police state.

You don’t know what I offer you.
You don’t know what I’m sayin’.
I’m all over this page
so we keep from blowing us up.
I’m tryin’ to tell you to stop
hatred before it’s too late,
and you think this is counterculture?
It’s how we survive.

You was the right wing country
Soldier of the Year.
Consider parts and machines too.
I don’t have a legitimate taste.
Where is the movie shop?
Maybe I missed it.

Look on there.
Somebody has called the pedophile the wrong name.
They think he’s out to get them.
He’s tryin’ to pick up the pieces
of our scattered and dying love,
what in the 60s we celebrated.
How do we do that,
find this love again?
Where do we begin?
Put me in a public venue and I’ll show you.
Now, how hard is that?

Well I did bring in the schedule.
The one who was looking at me,
did you think I was just gonna go away?
Goddamn I’m
definitely on campus.

I had another eyesight.
I had a vision
that was clear as day
of the stars.
on earth
can’t play that melody.
No religion matches it.
Until we see this we’re lost in the sky.
become for us
the substance of religion.
We are too blind to see that.
Even our prophets miss.

Now turn around
and find God your own way.
Find God on the ground
where your life meets the Earth.
Find God in the substance of your stuff,
so God can change you there.
Now my very dear friend,
find God everywhere.
It’s the true Gospel
we live in God.

We live there very deep.
We are His kingdom,
and we are naked with Him in castle keep.
It feels good doesn’t it?
It feels wonderful
the genesis,
the love everlasting.

You’re not gonna see it
if you’re religious on this Earth.
Hello spirituality—
that’s the only way in.
Religion is books.
Spirituality is the hands on
the inner fire.
How many rites and rituals do you need
to find God?
They don’t work.
Just find God.

The encounter with God,
I want to eat that food—
this is the gay man over shadows and walls,
the one you sexualize
with your creation of him.
There is where we first start to see.

It was a clear Autumn night,
but we met with humanity’s problems.
We struggled to get there.
Fate lend a hand.
We are destinies of fate.
I soliloquy this to humanity.
It was a bright future watch out.
A pegasus steals the show,
one we cannot remember nor trust.
Alright who’s listenin’?

I have an access global official.
It’s time for me to run.
I’m beatin’ feet to the target.
All you letters of the Law,
you cram yourselves.
Will that open you up?
I’m sorry gently mean.
Will you please get your head straight?
We have a world to run.
We need to get business early.
We don’t want to become Mars, you know?
We don’t want to do that.
I want my MTV. [line heard sung, by Dire Straits, song, “Money For Nothing”]
Will you just dangle this hero
on camera news?
You don’t know what nuclear holocaust does to a planetary man.
There, I’ve said it,
my purpose in life.
I’m here to avoid that.
You get me Roger?
Ajax address these issues,
but Ajax also reflects personal choices.
Grand Central Station was a customize.
Yah heard me.
It would be Tangle
Newsletter gentleman.
Basically that’s it.

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